Getting reelected would be nice, but the administration also needs to guard against the damage a second Trump administration could do to the environment. Here’s how.
Here's what you can do in the next 5 minutes to stop your Stage 3 Lung Cancer!
That's pretty much the same thing this headline is saying. We are deep in it now, maybe not the absolute worst case it could be, but definitely not good. And 12 months is not nearly enough time to deal with the problem, so much so that it's laughable to even suggest it could be. The only solution will be long, hard, expensive, and require a LOT of pain and sacrifice. Plus, there's no guarantees it will even work. It may just be too late at this point.
The difference is that extracting and burning fossil fuel is a human action, and we have the power to decide not to. Social change like this often takes the form of people getting unhappy, and not much changing until it reaches a communal tipping point and people start changing things all at once.
We’ve already fucked it up. How can you save something thats already broke?
Every fucking climate change article is always full of hopes and dreams yet we’re not doing shit. They’re talking about scifi carbon capture now but our consumerism society remains unchanged.
When you’re driving straight at a wall at highway speeds and are 50m away you can still press the brake pedal, but it’s already too late. Our foot barely started lifting from the throttle.
But the damage we’ll cause during those 20 years will destroy most of the ecosystem and our food supply chain. I have a feeling that the biggest reason behind stopping emissions will be our demise.