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  • Well, there'll be a lot less billionaires pretty quickly, from there it's gonna be a lot of references to star trek, doctor who, dead philosophers and general southernisms.

    • lol .... aliens arrive in 1960s era London police boxes to try to not alarm us as they make first contact

      Aliens first message: ... I say my good man, it's quite a coincidence to find you in this part of the galaxy. I feel pecked by a hundred chickens, fuller than a tick on a big dog and fine as frog hair and not half as slick to greet you on this fair morning under god's blue sky.

  • Human population is very empathetic, but very kinky.

    • Aliens: ..... this one has a bright red ball strapped to their mouth ... I suppose it's a requirement for all of them

  • I think it'd go great.

    I feel like they'd be horrified, and conquer our planet and force us all into therapy, but think they'd see us as worth helping

  • “Hmm, it looks like these humans really like ‘tentacle hentai’… we could use this to our advantage”

  • Hey, the aliens want to communicate through a sarcastic misanthrope... well, I can't say I'd blame them.

    • Aliens randomly picking people ... nope, nope, nah, nope, nope, nuh-uh, nah, nope, nope....... Wait a minute!!?? ..... they're all mentally unwell!!!!

  • Well... it could be worse... you should all thank them they didn't pick my sister.

  • Not bad. Couple of you fucks would be ackacked into non-existence but 99.997% of you would be alright.

    • You make it sound like you have a fervent hatred for ~250,000 people.

      I'm intrigued...

      • Dude must have a grudge against Samoa or something. That or he wants to distribute some wealth and zap all the billionaires and anyone close to being one.

      • Don't act like the quality of humanity couldn't be dramatically improved by eliminating the 250,000 worst of us.

        Rapists, murderers, evil billionaires, corrupt politicians, shitty bosses, manipulative assholes and general dickheads of all races, creed, and gender, honestly 250,000 may not be enough but it would be a good start.

  • In one sense? Very, very much. I hope y'all like tentacles. In another sense, the complete opposite of screwed. I hope y'all like free healthcare.

  • Screwed!

    But this is not a very good/logical/reasonable alien to be in contact with. There are so many ...ists with can call this alien. Generalization with sample of one? Pfff... They won't even get here...

  • Bro I'm autistic and have adhd and have been traumatized by everyday life as well as unfiltered access to the internet.

    The first thing I'm telling them to do is glass the planet with me on it.

  • Wrong question. If they picked me, you ought to ask how screwed the aliens are...

  • Why do the aliens think we are giant weebs that are obsessed with our infrastructure?

  • We aren't. Maybe we dead because of my unending bickering about the futility of life, but screwed? Nah.

  • "They weigh an average of 100 of their kilograms, and subsist on a diet made up entirely of vegetable-derived matter. Their political opinions are all based as hell, and they fucking love fire trucks. 7/7 Florgles, we should open a line of communication with their leaders immediately"