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  • Not so bad when you own your own washer and dryer.

    Panic inducing when you use a laundromat or other communal laundry room.

    Constantly get flashes of Marla Singer taking clothes from the Laundromat and immediately selling them at a thrift store/pawn shop. 😵‍💫

    • Idk man, I think it depends what the weather is like, and whether or not your home is climate controlled.

      If I forget my laundry for a mere 4 hours in summer, it gets mildewy (gets hot and humid and I don’t have central air, only window units, so they don’t always run), and needs to be entirely rewashed on the sanitary setting.

      This is the case regardless how often I bleach/clean the machine, I think the house water supply is the problem, but regardless, when it’s hot, it can be panic inducing even if it’s your own. That extra time to re-run (sanitary is 1.5 hrs to the 45 min of a normal cycle) has fucked up my day several times.

  • Lol have some in the machine now
    The plan was always "do it after breakfast", so I'm still good, check back in a couple of hours though 😂

    What generally works for me is filling the machine at the end of a day and setting the delay so it runs early in the morning, then by the time I've had some food and a little energy boost to deal with it it's only been waiting for a couple of hours (tbf any less than about 7-8 hours should still be fine, anything longer and I might run the load again lol)

  • Nah. Today's "Augh, my laundry" was the drying rack nearly being blown off the balcony.