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  • When I got my tonsils out, I missed the first dose of my stool softener, and the pain meds had me backed up so hard that it felt I was trying to shit a cinder block. Considered going to the ER for a bowel obstruction (which can be super dangerous). Finally passed that first brick, along with a concerning amount of blood, and then what felt like about a half-mile long by three-inch thick poo-choo train that my body had assembled with the help of the stool softener after that first missed dose.

    So, between that and diarrhea, I think I'd personally err on the side of diarrhea.

    Either way, I'd pay very close attention to how your body responds to any deviations from your medication plan, and make any adjustments in small increments leading up to your post-op appointment where you should discuss them with your doc.

    • So, between that and diarrhea, I think I’d personally err on the side of diarrhea.

      I've had to experience both in the last few months, unfortunately. I haven't had solid food since August, I've been surviving on Ensure and Gatorade. So basically it's a lot of constipation and it's not pleasant. But this is worse because I've had accidents three times now. I sleep and sit on towels all the time until this is over. The constipation is painful, but at least it doesn't last long and doesn't end up with showering and changing a couple of times a day. I guess it's six of one, half a dozen of the other, but I'd rather have the short-term pain.

  • Thanks for the advice! I'm getting mine out next year hopefully soon, to deal with my cripplingly intense 10 hour long gallstone pain episodes O_O

    Nothing like writhing in the most intense excruciating pain for 10 hours and then finally falling asleep of exhaustion from the experience at 9am and having to sleep and recover all day, completely randomly with no warning, eh?

  • I honestly thought the pain was gallstones passing or just having a sensitive anus because I ate a lot of siracha that day. Felt more like a burn.

    Easy on the opiates. My keyhole surgery was in Mexico and felt minimal visceral pain by only taking Diclofenac-Lysine. If you don’t feel pain pls no take opiates.

    I mention both things because your butt is getting used to bile being constantly spat out, and the opiates might slow things down there.

    Talk to your doctor about this btw, you should be seeing him again soon for a follow up.

    • I appreciate the advice. I spent a couple of years on various opioids at various dosages due to a shitty neurologist trying and failing to treat a nerve disorder, so I'm pretty aware of what withdrawal is like. It helps that I don't really like any of the effects of opioids apart from pain relief. I'll be okay taking it for only 3-4 days and only for pain.

      And yeah, I'm doing a follow-up soon after Christmas. They said 1-2 weeks.

      My issues were not gallstone issues. I had low function in my gallbladder based on certain metrics which led to mild dyskinesia. But even the surgeon said he only gives it a 50/50 chance of working.

      Basically, I have had no solid food since August. I live on Ensure and Gatorade. This is the second time around for that because I couldn't eat solid food for about six weeks starting in February of this year either. It's not nausea, it's a total aversion to food. My doctor described it as like anorexia except with a physical rather than a psychological cause. I also dry heave most mornings when I get up, but nothing has ever come out.

      The good news is I haven't heaved in two days. The bad news is that the aversion to food has not abated even slightly and I've gone two days without heaving before. So we'll see what happens. If this doesn't work in 1-2 weeks, it's off to the Mayo Clinic.

      • Awe, best wishes to you mate. It seems to me that you’re on your way to recovery ❤️

        I never asked why I do constant forearm movements to pull on my shoulder, I was visiting a back specialist to see what the heck was up with my shoulder and neck, steroids would help but then it would come back even harder. I can also relate to the dry heaving. I used to think it was an anxiety dry cough that would turn into a dry heave after a while. Later learned it was just gallbladder stuff. I think it’s crazy just how interconnected these things are

        I had to take a really difficult test a week after surgery. Usually studying would kick my anxiety into full throttle and that’s when the coughing and heaving would start for me. Add a couple of hours past my lunch and it would turn into full nausea battles.

        Thankfully the need to cough and heave never came back a few weeks after surgery.

        I’m still struggling to get my neck and shoulder to stop twitching and tying itself up but that I’m sure takes more time. Everyday gets a little better.

        Edit: Ask your doctor about Marinol, it’ll possibly make you munch your heart out. :) (it’s legal THC, and your condition seems chronic enough to warrant the use)

  • Sorry for your troubles. Had my GB out about five years ago; my gut has never completely recovered. Got to the point where I couldn't leave the house ’cause of loose stools. (Pro Tip: learn about the Bristol Scale. It makes talking about your situation much easier with your family and doctors.) Today I have my life back: I take 2mg of Loperamide in the a.m. and 4mg before bed. Now smacking the Bristol Scale solidly (pun there) at the middle of the bell curve. Hope you can get yourself back on track!

    • Wow! That sounds really bad and I'm sorry to hear it! I will look up the Bristol Scale and talk to my GP about it. I'm glad you're doing better now!

      One of my symptoms seems to be gone, so having the gallbladder out might have done the trick in terms of my mystery illness, but I'll have to wait 1-2 weeks when it comes to possibly getting my appetite back. I haven't had solid food since August. I was also dry heaving every morning, but I haven't done it once since I had the surgery last Thursday, so that's three days without doing it, which I believe is a record. That makes me really hopeful.

      Anyway, I appreciate the advice. Thanks!