Mammals have muscle?
Mammals have muscle?
Mammals have muscle?
You heard it here, if anyone is attracted to hot blonde women such as myself, they are now gay, which means as members of the gay community, they have to support LGBTQ+ rights now.
Sorry, I don't make the rules.
Well, if "gay" really does mean "happy", I wish everyone was as gay as they can be.
That's the old meaning, would be funny if it becomes common again.
Fair enough
In my perception she's not anywhere near to not being feminine. It's not about muscle, it's about emotion etc.
While some of the girls I like are a bit tomboyish.
I just see it as more people to whom I can show my wad of 100s!
"Sorry, I don't make the rules."
"I like women that look like I can intimidate and beat them easily because I'm not really a man" - Guys that say they don't like muscular women
I can see not being attracted to a muscular aesthetic (though I do I think the image here is a bit silly). I say that as a loser who'd let a jacked woman beat me to death with a waffle maker.
There’s a huge difference between going out of your way to announce that that’s not your type and just it not being your type. It’s similar to the difference between guys posting “no fat chicks” vs the ones who just turn down larger women and only say so when asked about it.
Guys that denigrate muscular women for their physique
Not being into a particular body type isn't a bad thing. Looking down on someone for it is.
Ex-friend was much like that. Really tall dude, liked tiny, subservient women. One time him and his wife were over.
"I don't allow her to wear makeup or cut her hair."
Right in front of us all. For real. (She eventually escaped!)
And yes, I hung out with such a man. Typical, young right-winger, full of rage that the world he had seen and been promised, his grandad's world, his dad's world, was taken from him by "the others".
I was slowly turning him around. And it was working! Pussed out, gave up on him. Still feel bad about it. I might have saved him but for my lack of patience and moral courage.
I was slowly turning him around. And it was working! Pussed out, gave up on him. Still feel bad about it. I might have saved him but for my lack of patience and moral courage.
Don't blame yourself, it really takes a lot of energy and it's not like you're obligated to do that anyway. Besides, it could've never work 100% thus putting you in a kind of co-dependent relationship. Good for you to abandon toxic environment, I think.
Typical, young right-winger, full of rage that the world he had seen and been promised, his grandad's world, his dad's world, was taken from him by "the others".
Oh is that what their problem is I've always wondered what their issue was.
The thing is though both my grandfather and my father worked in coal mines. My grandfather in particular had all sorts of breathing problems and back problems because of this. I never wanted to live in their world. Those idiots have a rose tinted version of a world that never was, they have no idea what it is that they're pining after.
"My manhood rests solely on being able to beat up women"
I just like them soft and squishy. What's wrong with that?
I mean, I like them a touch chubby but even with that all my girlfriends could've beat my ass if they wanted to.
"there's nothing hotter than a girl who could beat the shit out of you" -my high school wrestling coach
I see it.
Feel like I have to add a "/s" because people here are so sensitive.
Why is gatekeeping straightness even such an interesting topic people fixate over so much? Contrapoints "Are Traps Gay?" video provided some quite compelling answers to that question FWIW.
The universe started from a mysterious dot, we're apes in clothes, and one day we will all be dust. It seems weird af to devote so much energy to worrying about the rules of which genitals interlock with which.
Johnny Bravo: I'm straight, so if it makes my dick hard it's a woman 🤟
Anyone who, unsolicitedly, provides some kind of blanket statement about what is and isn't gay from a position of assumed authority, is gay as hell and in denial.
So you're gay as hell?
I've heard it comes from WW2, there was big push of segrating women and men to push the ideal "if you're a man you'll fight for your country to protect your girl/mum back home". (Yes even though many of them were just kids).
Hence why many came home with severe trauma clinging onto the ideal of "Im a guy, I must do this" and being pushed to "show no emotion and no other guy is allowed to" training from the military that got passed onto their male children.
Leading to the 90s to view LGBT quite negatively particularly in some media in things people would say.
Real talk, traps are gay. But there is nothing wrong with that so chase what ever makes you happy (and is mutually consensual.)
Guy is scared she'd pop his head with her thighs like a watermelon. Or that she'd crush his wimpy little dick with her ass-cheeks.
Or most likely he's scared that she can lift more than him. Maybe he's intimidated by a woman who could bench press his ass.
Please God let her pop anything of mine she wants between her thighs.... Sorry were you saying something
Fellas is it gay to be attracted to a pretty blonde with an effeminate face, thick as fuck thighs and a big arse?
Normalize 👏 straight 👏 men 👏 being 👏 gay 👏 for 👏 women 👏
There is nothing gayer than a straight male.
We all in the closet straining for a peek.
Logically continuing this thought, is it then absolutely straight for a dude to be into the most feminine twinks if being into slightly less-than-average feminine women is apparently gay?
Kind of.
"If you're attracted to her you're a latent homosexual" says the homosexual closeted by their own shame.
Is been latently gay different to just being normal gay. Does it require the right person to activate it or something? If I stay in the house and don't get out much it's possible I'll never meet them. I may get married have some kids and be perfectly happy and never work out that I'm actually gay.
Considering a youtuber recently got his family doxxed because he made a kinda effeminate video video celebrating him liking women, I'm going to go with what I think is the best response: Yeah man, I'm a guy and I'm gay for women, go deal with that.
Wait. What happened? Any chance you could link to the video/YouTuber for context because that sounds nuts.
This is the video:
It takes the rounds around Twitter from time to time. It looks like the most recent one was too much, and this was the creator's response:
Imma be in my bunk
Is that a Firefly reference, specifically?
Yes but no less true
Who is she and does she know she's a gay icon?
ME a lesbian: 👁👄👁
Who is this so I can make sure to avoid her?!? Be specific!
wouldnt you like to know, weatherboy
It's always the insecure men confessing their insecurity about muscle ladies, always
I'm not super into muscley women, but this one in particular is so fine!
Guess I’m gay as fucc then cause she can step aaaaaaaall over me @.@
Them: “It’s gay to be attracted to a fit woman!”
Me: “Welp, guess I’m gay then! Do I get a badge or something?”
I dunno. Maybe you are due a visit from Pete the Peacock.
Oh I’m far beyond latent in my homosexuality
Even if that was true, I don't have problem with that. On the other hand, what's with those jeans? Was she in a war or something? It has to be pita to put them on.
Her jeans were in a war with those tree trunks she calls legs and we're utterly decimated
It has to be pita to put them on.
They are. I had a girlfriend that was really into them and she had to lie down to put the jeans on otherwise she'd fall over, which was funny but stupid.
My wife has dresses a bit like that. They have so many strings and straps that she often can't figure out which hope is which.
No it looks like she was in the 80s. Probably just a quick hop.
She's more ripped than her jeans but that damn smile is such a killer, make her look so sweet
Then I guess I'm gay as FUCK
That's a guy?
I think the point is that she has muscles.
I’m straight as, but in this case… would it matter?
I might make an exception this once.
Dunno. Rubric seems flawed. Might be easier to ditch the straight/gay/bi system to the more dynamic Androsexual/Gynosexual/Skoliosexual/Spectrasexual/Pansexual system?
Like I am a Non-binary dude who doesn't find this person attractive... Am I gay? Fuck if I know! The homo/heterosexual calculator errored out long before now.
The leg muscles say man or woman taking roids.
The leg muscles say woman doing intense leg exercises and maintaining super low body fat
I love that you think it's necessary to take performance enhancers in order to look moderately buff.
Anyone else playing too much Baldur's Gate 3 and seeing the human version of Karlach? Just me?
Unf. 🥹🥰🔥
100% would try to smash. If thats wrong i dont wanna be right
But I like Death by Snu-Snu…
But where do I find the killer snu snus? Is there a dating app for this specifically? And is it the same or different than one for dommy mommy’s?
The frogs have clearly been working overtime on this one.
Well boys. According to this, I got a wad of 100s, my magnums and I’m ready to plow!
On the other hand:
I must be gay af then.
Oh no. Anyway...
The dude who wrote this comment:
You kidding me!? She's a smoke show! Talk about being insecure.
She is a nine in my book.
It's not a book when all the pages are stuck together, it's more of a fap flap. 🤢
As long as she has a dick, it becomes not gay
Or she is the result of bad photoshopping/AI
There are a lot of dumb things in that comment, but using gay in a pejorative way is up there. While finding a woman attractive is certainly not gay, there is nothing wrong with being gay, so this is double stupid.
She got dem glutes, could probably crush an apple.
Do you have a prostate? Wow, guess you're a fucking removed
can we not all see how stupid the whole debate is by this point
so boring
I have an amateurstate at best.
... cigarette
almost see genitals
is disgust ..