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Aah 2024 will be a disaster?

  • Completely wrong in thinking this is what Americans want. The state will only act in bourgeois interests.

  • It's not so much "going to war" as it is, redoubling efforts to fight what our government has already declared a terrorist group if they attack shippings. That being said, it's very telling how fast they responded to Israeli supply ships being threatened.

  • This is misinformation and rage bait, as much as the US military would probably froth at the mouth to start more wars, this is simply deliberately untrue. The only declaration from the US about Yemen thus far been that UN naval assets (Chinese, American, British, French ships so far) will be mobilized to closely escort shipping through the strait and Red Sea, and that those assets have authorization to fire upon inbound pirates, missiles, and drones. The operation is titled Operation Prosperity Guardian if anyone is curious.

    This was decided upon at the UN Security Council, and composes 38 different nations, this is not simply a US military decision. The directive simply creates a dedicated task force from assets originally assigned to patrol in the Indian Ocean, and along the Somali coast, into dedicated escort units. The taskforce itself is also simply a redeployment of a taskforce that was headed by the Egyptian Navy until earlier this year when the Egypt ceded leadership of that particular task force.

    The US military is a force of evil, but if we mindlessly sensationalize and lie about the reality of situations, then no one will believe us when it will be most important.

    • Can you specify which UN SC resolution authorizes this "Operation Prosperity Guardian"?

      I also looked up the website for CMF (Combined Maritime Forces) and this is on their about page:

      CMF has five Combined Task Forces:

      • CTF 150 (Maritime Security Operations outside the Arabian Gulf)
      • CTF 151 (Counter Piracy)
      • CTF 152 (Maritime Security Operations inside the Arabian Gulf)
      • CTF 153 (Red Sea Maritime Security)
      • CTF 154 (Maritime Security Training)

      CMF has 39 member nations: Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, the Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Türkiye, UAE, United Kingdom, United States, and Yemen.

      I'm not sure how China or the UN is related to this operation at all, when this is the US DoD's statement:

      The recent escalation in reckless Houthi attacks originating from Yemen threatens the free flow of commerce, endangers innocent mariners, and violates international law. The Red Sea is a critical waterway that has been essential to freedom of navigation and a major commercial corridor that facilitates international trade. Countries that seek to uphold the foundational principle of freedom of navigation must come together to tackle the challenge posed by this non-state actor launching ballistic missiles and uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) at merchant vessels from many nations lawfully transiting international waters.

      This is an international challenge that demands collective action. Therefore, today I am announcing the establishment of Operation Prosperity Guardian, an important new multinational security initiative under the umbrella of the Combined Maritime Forces and the leadership of its Task Force 153, which focuses on security in the Red Sea.

      Operation Prosperity Guardian is bringing together multiple countries to include the United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain, to jointly address security challenges in the southern Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, with the goal of ensuring freedom of navigation for all countries and bolstering regional security and prosperity.

    • China is not a part of Operation Prosperity Guardian.

      • They are one of the 34 nations whose ships make up CTF 153. Even if they do not directly support or sponsee the operation, the PLAN is still a part of it.

    • Operation Prosperity Guardian

      I did a quick Google search and see no mention of China.

      All the lists only include: United States, United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles, Spain.

    • The only declaration from the US about Yemen thus far been that UN naval assets will be mobilized to closely escort shipping

      This escort is required to deal with the response to the US sanctioned genocide, right?

      This was decided upon at the UN Security Council

      So the US is using the UN to give credence to its actions. Okay. What part specifically do you take issue with here? The "war" designation?

      • I'm just giving context, there's no need to be passive aggressive or hostile. Do you think I'm defending the US or Israel? Where did I ever state that this is some righteous cause?

        Its not just the "war" designation. The way they describe it in the Tweet harkens images of the Invasion of Iraq, Vietnam, Somalia, or countless other bloody conflicts in which millions died at the hands of combined offensives. Not the UN dispatching 4 destroyers to escort merchant ships in a story that is barely a footnote in the news. This is needless sensationalism and looks like crying wolf.

        What "actions"? You make it sound as if the US is using the UN as pretext to annex Yemen, which if that was the case, do you think that the other members on the Security Council might have some objections and would have used their veto power? Do you think China would allow the US to use the naval assets they requisitioned for this operation, and are currently under the command of a US Navy officer, to aggressively strike the Houthis?

    • One could argue it's better to sound the alarm pre-emptively so that people can mobilize to stop this from happening. If you only start to drum up outrage after the decision has already been made it's already too late. Even simply increasing the presence of western military assets in that area carries risks of escalation.

      • I agree, but this is not increasing the presence of Western assets. Those assets were already there for a purpose dictated by the UN and not under Western control. Unless you consider Chinese and Russian naval officers to be "Western control".

        It hasn't even broken the news in the US, so I doubt that really meets the criteria of preparing for war. Along with the fact that China and Russia both signed off on this despite their veto power. Not to mention that what the Houthis are doing is still international piracy, and while myself and most of Lemmygrad agrees with it, it is still in violation of international law, so this move is a logical next step.

    • UN naval assets (Chinese, American, British, French ships so far) will be mobilized to closely escort shipping through the strait and Red Sea

      Possible rare Chinese L? To my understanding the Houthis have only been striking shipping in some way associated with Israel, and joining forces with the imperialist crackerverse to safeguard their shipping during an ongoing genocide seems like a probable L to me.

      That said, looking up "Prosperity Guardian" (even the name sounds like typical Anglo-fascist BS) doesn't give any impression of Chinese involvement. Just a bunch of "international community" nations, and two tiny island nations that may as well be microstates (Bahrain and Seychelles) tagging along for the ride, probably for western optics.

      • Granted, not much is known about the operation and unlike what we've come to expect from Western militaries that like to show their full hand, information remains limited. The Wikipedia page is sparse and relatively unsourced, and military public affairs have been tight lipped. Chinese involvement would be more or less guaranteed though, firstly as they signed off on the Operation despite their Security Council veto power, and along with the US and France, they operate the largest UN air and naval force in Djibouti.

        Your understanding about what the Houthis have been doing is correct, and while it is a good cause, it is still in violation of international law, while simultaneously threatening the economies of a vast number of nations. That puts it a bit into perspective about why China and Russia haven't taken to kindly to the strikes, and why international opinion is particularly cold, even from Pro-Palestine nations. It is allying with the Western world, but I doubt Chinese officials would take to kindly to a major threat to one of the worlds largest maritime logistics points, especially as they are an exporter nation and rely on their goods making it cheaply and quickly to their target nations.

        The name is definitely goofy though lol. I swear they just have some intern putting all these names into a random generator at this point.

  • Is there any realistic chance of the US actually attacking Yemen over this?

    • Very little. There has been no news or push for any sort of offensive action. Instead, the US has called upon the Security Council which just created a small taskforce out of UN anti-piracy units stationed in Djibouti, whose sole purpose will be escorting ships through the Red Sea.

    • It’s up in the air. On one hand, this leads to a greater reliance of goods coming from the US and Europe. On the other, they get to attack Yemen.

  • You can tell the US is collapsing when they threaten 4 countries of war in less than 2 years

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