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Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich!

Job is pushing back on me having a weekly therapy appointment.

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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/Sk8ordieguy on 2023-12-19 13:07:29.

I work a typical 9-5 but I’m the youngest one in my company in an evolving tech based industry.

I emailed my manager recently that “I will have a 1 hour appointment weekly for the next month” and they said to me in person in front of everyone that I absolutely cannot do that. Little do they know that this job is the reason I’m going to therapy.

People here make it very known that they work through lunch and work every night. I made it clear to my manager that I want work life balance. But I’ve never gotten it because requests come in every night.

I’m getting my Christmas bonus and getting the fuck out of here with only a couple of gigs lined up to keep me afloat. Sadly I won’t have any insurance to continue therapy.

Value your mental health over your job! It’s taken me this long to actually do something about it.


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