When you want to quit drinking
When you want to quit drinking
When you want to quit drinking
Maybe it's because I just woke up, but I'm not sure I get it?
I would guess that the joke is when you are addicted to alcohol and are attempting to quit, it feels like temptations are shoved in your face from every direction and can feel inescapable. The dudes being chased by a beer he doesn't want like it's Freddy Kruger.
Ahh, sorry, didn't realize it was a gif. Thought it was a still image!
I dunno man. Alcoholism isn’t really a joke to those suffering from it, nor their families.
I'm an alcoholic, come from a family of alcoholics, grew up in an alcoholic home, have suffered consequences from living and being around alcohol addiction. I find this chuckle worthy. Not everything has to be serious and treated with kid gloves. I'm planning on sending this to my friend who is also struggling with alcohol addiction, and I know she'll find it funny.
As an alcoholic who is actively struggling, this got a smirk out of me.
I’m struggling and not really able to treat it with much humour, sorry.
Most people are just apprehensive in treating it for what it is: drug addiction.
i was gunna say... this isnt funny.. sad maybe.
Humor is a very common coping mechanism.