This kid knows
This kid knows
This kid knows
Me too kid, me too
blame the lumpen folks
When you get older, life’s just one disappointment after another, to be young and carefree again. /lesigh
The trick is to lower your expectations.
Expectations are already at an all time low. 🥴
Yes, in CSS
functional programmers: i have no such weakness
Extra fine meme, thank you OP !
Ngl this was me in my german class all the time !
It’s an endless cycle. You work hard to enforce your ideals, then when you have the power to make decisions you realize how dependent you are on others to facilitate action. And every one of those people wants something in exchange. Suddenly the ideals you sought to enforce become diluted by compromise, everyone is unhappy and there’s a giant bear called greed knocking on the door into your mind.
Why is this downvoted ?
Edit: Why is John Cena in a Chinese black SUV parked in front of my house ?