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BOINC is an open standard for distributed/volunteer computing BOINC4Science - Sopuli

Did you know you have the power to discover new anti-cancer drugs 👩‍⚕️, map the galaxy 🔭, and find new subatomic particles ⚛️ using your computer’s spare computational power? Join us in using the BOINC software to advance the progress of science. We are a newbie-friendly space, please feel free to...

BOINC4Science - Sopuli

If you have a massive computational workload that you want to distribute across a variety of devices and OSes, you can use BOINC for this purpose. BOINC is an open protocol used by the BOINC client, which can attach to several different projects at a time and compute for all of them. Anybody can start a BOINC project and distribute work, it is a permissionless network. End users decide which BOINC projects to contribute CPU/GPU cycles to.

BOINC is currently used by major universities and research institutions around the world for everything from cancer research to finding pulsars and gravitational waves. Their network of computing volunteers contributes petaflops of computation daily to open science projects.