"They will never have a distinct recognizable culture that the South does and they hate us for it"
"They will never have a distinct recognizable culture that the South does and they hate us for it"
Somehow this isn't parody.
"They will never have a distinct recognizable culture that the South does and they hate us for it"
Somehow this isn't parody.
Also thrse people would get the fuck beaten out of them for watching "removed littlr girl cartoons" by their peers if they actually interacted with their "southern culture"
It's tragic, I was acquainted with a few of these types in high school and they spent all their days floating at the edge of normie cliques, silently rehearsing their fantasies of one day joining the military, instead of just letting go and joining me and the other abberants getting into shouting matches over who had misquoted Futurama.
confederate anime pretty much guarantees this person has as many bad takes as humanly possible
Ask them about the tiger tank, I’m sure they have unproblematic and accurate takes.
My brother in Allah your culture is literally just a bunch of marketing campaigns.
The only problem with this is that white southern culture sucks balls.
I did like how Far Cry 5 presented American culture
t. guy with an extremely-unscratched truckbed
away down south in the land of traitors, rattlesnakes and alligators
Country ass
or not, "y'all" was desperately needed for the English language.Who's "they?" The vast swath of the eastern seaboard defined by western european immigrants like the Italians and Irish, the "fugeddaboudit" and "BAHSTAHN" guys that everyone thinks of when they think of New England cities? The west coast people known for wine exports, distinctive music and film cultures, drug culture, etc?
Southern culture is now largely defined by hollow rhetoric and hypocrisy. They want to be rednecks with big trucks but they whine about how much they have to tip the food slave who brings their DoorDash order. They talk constantly about Christian values and then indulge in hedonistic lives and go out drinking alcohol to excess and fornicating (which the Bible explicitly says will bar you from entering Heaven
)I will free the South from the racist Weebs
A problem I've noticed too. For every good designed character like
you have these moeblobs that you cannot tell apart.Good shows will have a lot of head and body shapes, but most of them don't and it's just the hair. IMO the reason so many of them have horns and tails and stuff is to make their silhouette more recognizable without potentially compromising the standard "pretty face" that most otaku demand.
Distinct recognizable culture such as slavery?
Distinctly recognizable culture such as poverty merch and a Schizophrenic sense of patriotism.
America is just a very large cargo cult.
It's really funny also to think that the northeast, midwest, or PNW don't have distinct recognizable cultures. They've probably become less distinct now because they actually produced interesting culture, and not just truck nuts and racism.
I tried to think of something clever to say to this but it melted my brain a little so I'm just gonna move on
I can smell the tobacco spit in this image
I live innawoods, my car is splattered with mud from getting it out of my driveway when it rained. Many of my friends growing up were deeply impoverished (rusty-ass trampolines, sun-bleached toys strewn over the yard, "ignore Uncle Jim, he won't talk, he's playin his online poker", wife-beating happening in the other room stuff) and I had to go to all their horrible evangelical grifter churches when I slept over on Saturdays.
My point is that I'm just as if not more "southern" than the dorks like this guy and I'm a communist or some shit LMAO OWNED
The other half of the founding fathers who wanted to just do feudalism started a civil war then lost isn't a culture, I'm sorry its just not if your culture dosent have a unified language, geography, religious/cultural and maybe the bare minimum is like 1000 years I don't want to hear about it.
But you know what I'm not even gonna go their as their are problems in defining culture like I just did.. the south dosent have a united BBQ culture let alone a full blown culture so get the fuck out of here.
The other half of the founding fathers who wanted to just do feudalism
Both did, it’s just one half wanted Roman style feudalism that hides behind the pretense of designated families competing for limited titles.
I always found the states early goverment, you have the liberal striver types but think the French went to far but then you got straight up Roman style slaver who treat their slaves worse then the romans. In my heart of hearts 💕 I believe the American revolution is what happens then a revolution is entirely made up of opportunistic elements, I dont even think they belive it was gonna last as long as it does.
The best and most celebration worthy parts of southern culture almost entirely come from black people. Not whatever this shit is
Bookmarking this thread so I can come back later to read all the poor shaming masked as anti-southerner sentiment
I hate rich southern Doug Diammdomes more than poor southerners
Edit: i stand by the abovr dtatement but agter thinking about it for several hours i now believe that northern pieces of shit pretending to be southern are even more cringe.
The only worthwhile culture from the south was created by either by non-whites, or very poor whites who were sharing notes with black or Latino people. Stuff like blues music and rock and roll are southern, but they're from black southern culture. Southern hip-hop is fun too. Niche genres like horrorcore and arguably vaporwave can be traced to it.
The south used to pump out some pretty ok white writers though. Flannery O'Connor, William Faulkner, even Tennessee Williams. I doubt any of them would want to be represented with a confederate flag though.
Y'all will notice that southern white culture took a dive once there were fewer whites who grew up poor or working class and continued identifying that way into adulthood.
there are like cajun people. But most of the white southern culture were slavelords larping as anglo-norman chevaliers.
cajun people for a long time were in that grey area of being almost white people but not quite, kind of like Italians and Irish were. In fact one of my friends from high school had his grandparents arrested in the 1950s under segregation laws because the wife was cajun and the husband was italian.
One of my ancestors was a cajun and was also arrested and thrown out of new orleans for violating some kind of segregation ordinance regarding gambling or something.
I guess cajun people are fully considered white now, but that wasn't the case for a while, like a bunch of them got sold into slavery when England took over French Canada
bluegrass is ok
Bluegrass is like rock and roll. It started as a black thing. The banjo itself was invented by enslaved creole people and western Africans in the 1600s. It is cool music though.
Pictured: hats with adjustable plastic clips
What's wrong with hats with adjustable plastic clips?