It's truly a shame
It's truly a shame
It's truly a shame
Which movie is the scene from?
This is from the series The Good Place.
I don't get it. Aren't they pronounced mostly the same?
Because the words are from two different languages?
You've just been pronouncing females wrong this whole time and everybody was too embarrassed to correct you.
Fuh-MAH-lays, just like it looks.
By jove, there the whole time!
Haha, silly hu-mans.
Single hot femalés in your area!
I like my fe-mah-lays like I like my ta-mah-lays. Steaming hot and wrapped in corn husks!
Right?!? Guys?!?
You can just say Midwestern.
A good girl in a straw hat with her arms out in a corn field.
I know this is a joke but idc. The reason for basically every quirk of pronunciation/spelling in English is borrowed words, of which English has very many. Tamales is an obvious/good example.
Except it's not even a borrowed word. It's still a Spanish word. nope, I was wrong.
I sometimes like to mispronounce stuff, that I know the proper pronunciation of, just for kicks and this is just ammo for my annoying habit.
You put the em-PHA-sis on the wrong syl-LAB-le
Or you butcher accents. Like jalapeno.
I love me a good ch-asm
You just like causing cha-os.
Reminds me of this poem:
That would mean "male" is pronounced "molly."
Really more like mall-a (like the letter a, not “ah”).
Only if you pronounce "molly" as "marley"!
I'm a nice little molly
I am just the right amount of high for this one. I can coast on this tweet for a solid 20 minute think sesh.
I'm struggling here because I don't know what that word is. So I can't work out what the ultimate pronunciation of female is either
Tamales are a type of food. (Pronounced like Tom-all-ays)
So the joke is making you read "females" (fee-males) like Fem-all-ays
Tah-MAH-lehs would be more accurate. 'Females', read as in Spanish, would be feh-MAH-lehs.
It's easy, you read Spanish as if every vowel had that 'h'. Vowels do not change their sound.
That's a horrible explanation, right? Here. That's how you always pronounce the vowels.
Why can’t ‘tamales’ just be pronounced like “ta-males”?
Otherwise we’ll have to start pronouncing ‘males’ like “mall-ehs”.
how very Canadian, eh?
Just pronounce it oddly enough that people look at you weirdly.
Femalès, with emphasis on the last e. Like "learnèd" (learn-ed, a wise person).
And why aren't Batman and Goodman pronounced the same.
I think it should be Bat-mun.
I'm going to start pronouncing them both the same
A better question: How many folks thought they misspelled the second "females"?
how naming a gastro strip club Females and Tamales?
Operate out of an old train car. Dolly's Females and Tamales Trolley.