Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do...
Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do...
Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do...
They'll probably proudly claim they won without a hint of irony.
Damn it. Your realisation just manifested my nose to bleed.
Must be the vaccines
"You know why you can't play chess with a pigeon? Because at some point it will just shit on the board and strut around like it won."
Oh, they are still around. Now they are talking about people in their 20s dying from the vaccine. And there have been millions of young people (in Germany alone) who died because of the vaccine. The government just made the bodies disappear and payed their families off.
I wish I was joking, but no. This is the shit they believe. I hate every single amoeba on the right.
Had this one from my grandmother.
Apparently doctors and nurses have been paid off to peddle this and it's all part of a big global hoax.
Meanwhile my sister with $80,000 nursing student loans is like "Wtf where's my money? You mean I nearly died working my butt off for nothing??" - 80 hours "full time" per week.
Also ignoring the fact that if even 0.001% of the global medical community has misgivings about accepting what I assume must have been an enormous bribe that we would have heard about it??
Yeah this one is more than a little irritating. I’ve encountered too many people who know someone who has someone in their life that was adversely affected by the vaccine. Heart attacks, strokes, nerve issues, whatever. But when you press them for the details there’s always something else, like the person has diabetes, had a bunch of age-related diseases, etc. But there’s no way those things had anything to do with their poor health…no, it has to be the vaccine. Or maybe the even got covid, but refused to get tested.
It's the same problem I have with people who want me to fix their computer. Any issues that come up at any time in the future, no matter how much time passed or how unrelated it is, was caused by "whatever I did."
No, Aunt Karen, the malware you downloaded is not from me restarting your Wi-Fi adapter 3 years ago.
And with these people any negative health issues that occur can only be attributed to vaccines.
someone in their life that was adversely affected by the vaccine.
There are rare side effects. When someone brings it up, it's important to acknowledge it but qualify the risk. .0001% of heart problem or .1 % of death. Tell them it's like driving without a seat belt because of the 1 in a million chance you get in an accident where the seatbelt traps you. Meanwhile 77% of all people have been in an accident.
Conservative movements and religious fundamentalism have a lot in common. When you see it that way it makes more sense.
Where I live in the UK lockdown seemed to be optional. I went out for my daily exercise and noticed little to no difference in car and foot traffic.
Sad really
When we could watch graphs of country and region rates, the UK was showing good results from lockdown, then skyrocketing rates during the lockdown holidays
You should watch or check up on the inquiry. It was a complete shit show. All the senior people in the government all blaming someone else and Alexander DePfifel Johnson (Big dog) gives evidence tomorrow or later in the week and he'll get ripped apart.
They just attribute it to them winning and now they have to keep fighting for freedom
Too real.
Obama FEMA Boncentration Bamps!
He's coming for yer gunz!
They repeat the same lie over and over and over again, and these one-dimensional simpletons swallow the entire thing, time after time after time.
The problem is, these one-dimensional simpletons vote.
And you know who doesn't vote? The other type of simpleton who swallows that other cherry-picking lie, over and over and over again: bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe.
I read your “time after time after time” as “time after time” with the Cindy Lauper song. It really threw me off for a minute.
I would however like to clarify that neither Republicans nor Democrats will solve the systemic issues in any meaningful way, and it's not saying "both sides are the same" to point this out. I literally voted for Biden, but I still have Democrats accuse me of "voting for Trump" when I point out ways the Democrats do things like uphold a capitalist economy, extend the reach of fascist agencies like ICE, take power away from the working class, compromise with right-wing extremists, and observe a hierarchical system.
I can agree that Republicans are far worse, and I can cast my vote, while still being honest about the situation.
And you know who doesn't vote? The other type of simpleton who swallows that other cherry-picking lie, over and over and over again: bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe.
Well, they are over here... and I do vote, just scratch out everyone.
Aren't we all supposed to be dead by now from the poisonous vaccine? This has got to be the slowest-working poison I've ever seen.
Millions upon millions around the world within 6 months of the first "jab"
They're all dead, you just don't know them they go to a different school.
Can confirm, got a jab and I died.
I was promised microchips. I haven't gotten a single brain notification from Elon Musk yet. This some bullshit.
Same ones who said COVID would magically disappear right after the 2020 election.
I'm still burning through my massive mask stash. Actually feels like being sick much less frequently compared to life before masks.
I don't understand what these peolple were thinking. The government would never put human lives above the economy. Of course everything was going to reopen once the lives lost wouldn't hurt the bottom line.
I must be bias because I grew up in peak 'war on drugs' times. Being young and impressionable I thought there was no way the government could possibly lose. Then they taught us about prohibtion. Then I found out everyone I knew smoked weed.
End of the day, anarchy already exists in the minds of anarchists. The government is inadequate when comes to policing individuals.
When it comes to changing societal norms, you always have to start at the social contract. Otherwise, all you have is a signed piece of paper.
They will now say it's only because they fought and warned us
I also have someone like this in my distant family who thought Corona is a cold, that masks makes you unable to breath, that the WHO will take over the power of all countries, that the World Economic Forum in Davos will reset all financial markets to zero and that the USA will invade Ukraine to secure its bio-weapons laboratories.
You can imagine that family gatherings became fun from then on.
Woah. This guy is taking Roy off the grid!
My wife was working at an assisted living facility when those conspiracies were at their peak. She had a coworker who believed in it and tried very hard to convince the residents of the conspiracy too
It's funny that they attacked Drag Queens because they hated Transpeople..
Not only do we have nothing to do with each other, but the Drag Queen community has a history of being highly transphobic.
has a history of being highly transphobic
Just wanted to add that it has gotten better. I mean, now we even have straight queens who damn well know how to serve, sew, and read. Unthinkable back in the day!
Still. I had a dragqueen "friend" who really soured me on the whole group and I found he was the norm not the exception..
Kept trying to get me into drag, stole a wig from me, and claimed being trans was "Just drag being taken too far"
They literally don’t care to know the difference. All that matters is that they have people to attack and demean.
Deuces cuzzz
sucks to suck
It's good they were wrong and the covid dictatorial bullshit fell out of vogue, though.
You really think a dictator would just stop using power because it's not stylish?
Yes. People are that conformist and petty.
I actually believe that this is one thing that Trump/Republicans saved us from. In the very first week of lockdowns I remember a few news stories of police really overstepping by pulling people over and demanding to know that they were doing outside. It didn't last long because the economy obviously comes first over lives. It could have really devolved into extreme facism.
If my grandmother had wheels she would be a bicycle.
If a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its ass when it hops.
I'm on lemmy for a while now and this is the most American centric comment I have seen so far. There are authoritarian governments that used the pandemic to do shit but all stopped sooner or later. And many governments, left or right or what ever, overreacted at the start.
The cops are fascists because they're also mostly Republicans. Trump is a fascist. You're saying the fascists saved us from extreme fascism? I'm confused lol
grasping the implication here is an extreme challenge. what are you suggesting? that individual cops were trying to go full-fascist and control the population by using the guise of a global pandemic to illegally stop and question citizens? if it wasn't the government currently in power, then who was trying to go full-fascist? what entity between the government and police was it? and why was this only an american symptom when the pandemic was global?
all that to say - this take is complete nonsense and clearly lacks the application of the most basic of critical thought.