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Data Hoarder Mygrayt

Best way to store roms for as long as possible

I'm one of those idiots who plans on emulating/preserving games in a legal sense by backing all physical media I have. After finally taking a look at PS3 and 360 I realized how much space I'm going to need.

Which is alot.

From another post I read, the full Nintendo catalog from NES to Wii is upwards of 7tbs, which means I'm likely looking at 21+ in just consoles, likely way more.

I've learned about NASs as a result and wondering what's the best setup for drives and Raids to store these back ups for long periods of time? Can I just do a Raspberry Pi 4 4gb that I have laying around linked to two 8 tb Hard Drives and call it good? Or should I look into a more robust system?