That's really not fair to mayonnaise.
Yeah. That's more like Miracle Whip.
I concur
It's not nice to make fun of someone's appearance.
if someone doesn't have control over it, like their appearance, I think it's a dick move to make fun of them :p
It certainly demonstrates a profound lack of compassion.
Pft... Terrible makeup, terrible hairdo, colored hair.... I don't think we're making fun of her giant forehead.
This is it. This is my "old man moment", because I have no idea how this relates to mayonnaise.
Me neither
That's one of the minor boss Karens you have to fight to get to the final level boss, Mega-Karen.
Yeah, Minion Karens that jump you, and slow you down with the managers they conjure
But mayonnaise is good and useful in the right context. Mostly for making perfectly crisped grilled cheese.
You speak the truth
What about her? She's cheesy, just put her on a grill!
"What hairstyle would you like?"
Looks like that alien chick from "Mars Attacks!"
did someone slip this from fox news HR?
I thought mayonnaise was an instrument
Is this a real person?
... with FAS? FAS gives people eyes like that, doesn't it? It looks like she has a pretty flat upper lip too. That might be part of the reason she looks ... off. And obviously, that haircut is doing her no favours.
What is the actual shape of this person's head?
ever play with Lego?
More like the avatar of ranch.
Yeah we can forgive a lot of culinary crimes but that thing
That thing scares us
Whatever happened to Kate
Why do I agree???
Eww. Yes.