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  • The podcast Hello From the Magic Tavern has a whole spinoff podcast where its fantasy world characters play "Offices and Bosses".

  • This is honestly a really amazing idea. Start a new campaign, make everyone create their characters, and inform them their stats determine how they'll make their real characters in Suburbs and SUVs.

    • Maybe start playing an actual campaign for a bit before they get ambushed and poisoned. Boom, they wake up in a collective dream somehow.

      • Why even bother with a dream? "As soon as your hand touches the chair, everyone in the room is flung into a parallel dimension, each of your consciousnesses replacing the consciousness of the previous host, Quantum Leap-style. You are all sitting in a high school cafeteria on folding metal chairs...."

        Then find a way to tell the players that you all need to somehow get the low-INT barbarian inhabiting Karen's body elected PTA president before their consciousnesses can be returned to their original bodies.

  • The idea that the equivalent to adventurers in a fantasy world is 'karens' in our world is pretty wild and funny