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Rest of internet: Wow, AI is doing some amazing things! Hold my McDaniels

This is awful.

I'm not sure how recent this is, but put up an interactive flow chart to recommend a Gundam series to watch. Aside from the random translation misses ("Are you interested in story of engineers then pilots") the recommendations seem random. But they're not: it's all deterministic and repeatable. One portion of the tree as an example:

UC: yes
Short series: no
Origin of series: yes -> MSG movie I

Origin of series: no
Boy meets girl: no -> Gundam The Origin ๐Ÿคจ

Boy meets girl: yes -> Unicorn OVA

That "engineers then pilots" question? Answering yes leads to Twilight Axis. Really? That's your plan to get people into Gundam? ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Anyone find anything else facepalm-worthy?

Edit: why are we continuing the Reddit-like unintuitive line break markup? goes back and adds extra white space to start new lines as if CR/LF doesn't exist ๐Ÿ˜‘


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