They're basically the same right?
They're basically the same right?
They're basically the same right?
Latin and Greek are nowhere even similar to each other. You might as well say that Latin and German are the same language. Greek and Latin are 2 different linguistic branches of indoeuropean languages. Latin is the precursor of romance languages like Italian, French and Spanish. Ancient Greek is the precursor of Greek. Other major European language branches are the Germanic(German, English, Swedish, etc) and slavic(Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, etc).
Cool single indoeuropean individual language branches also include Armenian, Celtic and Albanian.
Finnish and Hungarian arent indoeuropean languages.
Greek is nothing like Latin.
Greek is my first language and Ive (tried to) read Latin, unsuccessfully, meaning no words maake sense to me when I view them from the perspective of "this word could have this greek word as a root"
Yeah, after about 1000 years even the exact same language normally will change so much that it's not understandable to speakers on opposing sides of that divide. I can't read much German, but in reality German and English are very related and with some explanation one can see it pretty clearly. I agree with your sentiment I think, but "nothing like" is pretty absolute.
Arent ancient and modern Greek pretty different though?
Yes, but you can for the most part understand ancient greek if you know greek. Ancient greek and greek are similar enough for that. Greek and latin are not.
No, they're completely different, have absolutely nothing in common. Though, yes, the Roman Empire did steal a lot of the culture from Greece.
have absolutely nothing in common.
They are both Indo-European languages and it shows. The words for father and mother for example, are very similar in the two languages.
I will never understand why people always want to deny the interconnected nature of the universe and instead want everything to be unrelated and separate
The word for father and mother (especially mother) are similar in many European languages, Slavic included, which doesn't mean the cultures share the same roots.
Though yes, I would agree that living on the same continent meant different cultures get to share a lot, inclding language, through trade or other means.
Read my other comments for a more detailed explanation, but the tl;dr of the matter is that while they are both Indo-European languages, each is from a vastly different branch family of the Indo-European language family. The Hellenic and Romance branch families for Greek and Latin respectively.
Technically they are related, but technically if you go far back enough I am related to you too, however any sensible person would never make the claim that you and I are related simply because we share a common ancestor somewhere along our history.
Edit: my other comments also have sources, but I don't want to repeat myself once more, so I wont put them here as well. :)
I mean they are fairly similar. They share a lot of vocabulary, their nouns have corresponding declensions, verb conjucations are similar, there are a lot of other similar grammar constructions, and the Latin alphabet is mostly derived from the Greek alphabet, too.
Edit: Classical Greek and Classical Latin, at least. Modern Greek and Romance languages like Italian are further diverged from those ancestor languages to the point that they are difficult for modern speakers to even parse.
Immediately after uploading I see the mistake. I'm not changing it. I'm just trying to get through the day.
It's still all Greek to me
Replace "language" with "mythology" and this works
Nobody appreciates the MS Paint in this meme:C
Ars longa, Vista brevis.
It's because of modern science-ish mixing them willynilly. They almost made a new artificial language at this point.
They absolutely are not the same
They are different, but they are definitely related despite several confidently incorrect commenters.
No they are not. They are both Indo-European but each is from a completely different branch of the Indo-European languages. Latin stems from the Romance branch, while Greek from the Hellenic branch. Other than their common "ancestor" language group, the only other similarity I can think of/find right now is that Latin did borrow many Greek words due to the Roman's heavy influence from Hellenic culture. However, this doesn't mean that they are at all related.
Greek itself has myriads of Turkish words due to the Ottoman occupation of the Greek lands (Greece as a nation state did not exist yet at this point if I'm not mistaken) from 1453 until 1821(almost 400 years), however it would be ridiculous to make the claim that Greek and Turkish are related, given that Turkish is an Anatolian language which only shares commonality with Greek due to the fact that they are both Indo-European branch families. Hence, it is ridiculous to make the claim that Latin is related to Greek simply because they borrowed many words.
So, linguistically speaking both Greek and Latin are from majorly different language families, and we have discussed how you can't make the claim two languages are related simply because they borrow words from each other because of various political/historical reasons.
You are confidently incorrect.
Angry romance noises intensify
They are?
In thoroughly confused. They're not even similar.
They are in fact, not, but I always confuse them
Latin looks like weird french, Greek has triangles and math symbols and shit.
And there I thought it was a smartass joke because you had switched "picture" for "language" only once and that it just meant the text of both lictures were written in the same language...
Eh it's all chinese to me.