I've been told that the stuff isn't actually plastic, but rather clear cellulose, and can in a pinch be used as a wrap to roll a joint. Yes clear cellulose papers do exist, but you think I'd actually trust smoking cheese wrapping stuff? Hell no!
Regardless, after hearing that years ago, I did try burning a cheese wrap after that, and much to my surprise the wrap didn't melt like plastic, it burned like paper.
I just got done trying it again, with a different brand of cheese, and yeah this one burned and melted like plastic. ☹️
I guess different cheese makers use different wrapping material, but either way, if someone suggests rolling a joint in cheese wrap, just say NO!
I got a milkshake a while back, in a plastic container, with a plastic lid, for some reason it also came with a plastic spoon, and a paper straw, since they are cutting down on plastics...
I mean there was some joke libertarian candidate that literally ran under the slogan "Make America Grate Again" claiming that he would outlaw sliced and shredded cheeses to make America embrace its graters and its grating roots.
That's because all you absolute fucking babies are still crying they took your plastic straw away.
The reason we don't have sensible climate conversations leading to real action is because the SLIGHTEST thing anyone suggests and you fucking scream your toddler heads off for years!
Also, the plastic straw thing was a PR move. Corporations don't give any shits unless it will make money or lose them money.
I'm sure there was a nontrivial number of customers who either boycotted or threatened to boycott companies that didn't switch. When their bottom line gets threatened like that, they take action to prevent revenue loss.
Nothing more. There's way more problems with everything than plastic straws. My favorite PR move is how they convinced everyone that their cars are causing the majority of CO2 emissions from transit.... Between that and airplanes, everyone is up in arms about the electrification of everything.... Yet, the most major transport offenders are freight, and they have no plans or intention of changing their ways. I heard somewhere that if you were to have zero carbon emissions for your entire life, you would save the approximate amount that freight liners emit in a year, at most. I think a year is too long. I forget the exact figure.
They emit more CO2 than all the cars, and all the planes and everything else you could point to... Yet, I have yet to hear anyone tell me about it, either personally, or on the news or anything. Everyone seems oblivious to the facts. They latch on to these "issues" like straws and personal vehicle CO2 emissions which are trivial....
The slices of cheese are analogous to each of our individual lives: it's boring, manufactured, and there is a wrap of plastic which define us as individuals but keeps separate from one another. The only good aspect of American cheese is that it is designed for melting, so in essence, by removing the plastic barrier that keeps us separated, we, like the humble slices of American cheese, can melt and become part of something greater than our individual selves (like a burger or a grilled cheese).
Or as Karl Marx once said: Life is plastic, it's fantastic.
I really want American cheese that is not wrapped in plastic. Kraft makes it but it costs more than double the plastic wrapped stuff. I've paid that price when times were plenty but they are no more.
Well, in my country they've replaced the straws on those 2dl juice boxes by a flimsy paper straw that disintegrate with any contact with any liquid, and can't punch trough the tiny METALLIC seal for the straw hole. These useless paperrolls are packed in pladtic, and gued to the side of the box...
my mom used to buy that crap along with nasty white bread. she still microwaves food on plastic plates that are decades old with visible knife cuts and bacteria stains in them. she used to be a life long democrat like our blue collar grand parents. Now she wants to stop immigrants even though she wouldn't recognize any and doesn't live anywhere near a border and she's already retired.
Anyway, don't eat that cheese, pick something else and don't turn into a dick when you get old.
You'd think these could be seperated perfectly by pieces of wax paper.
Edit: oh, and you basically have these smoked cheese sausages. Which is basically the same thing, but pressed in a sausage shape with an artificial skin. I'd bet the unsmoked version of that would taste very similar to this. And you could just cut your own slices. And they'd fit even better on a burger since they're round.
As a Canadian I find it dumb, but also somehow the ban was deemed unconstitutional(Dont you think there are more important issues to use our federal courts for?)
this rhetoric is so fucking exhausting, how many people litter this kind of plastic packaging? when do you see someone throwing plastic out the window of their house????
we're getting rid of plastic in TAKEOUT packaging because people will merrily toss that out the car window as they speed down a highway with a burger in their hand, it's not rocket science to figure this out.