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Attacks on reporters threaten right to information in DRC’s Nord-Kivu province, Reporters Without Borders says Attacks on reporters threaten right to information in DRC’s Nord-Kivu province

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns threats and violence against journalists in Nord-Kivu province, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, just weeks ahead of elections. Armed masked intruders have attacked two reporters at night in their homes in Nord-Kivu in the space of a week. The...

Attacks on reporters threaten right to information in DRC’s Nord-Kivu province

The latest victim was Nerry Ushindi, a journalist with Radio Télévision Ishango (RTI), a community radio station based in Kasindi, a small border town in the northeastern corner of the province. Three armed masked individuals forced their way into his home in Kasindi on the night of 9 November.

Armed with a gun, machetes and a hammer, the intruders demanded money and Ushindi’s journalistic equipment, and threatened to prevent him from continuing to work for RTI.