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Stornoway - Excelsior (ft. Côr Meibion Gwalia)

If I was allowed 10 desert Island discs, about 8 of them would be by Stornoway. This just dropped and is a version of the last track on their album Dig The Mountain, from earlier this year.



The recording features the wonderful Cor Meibion Gwalia/Gwalia Male Voice Choir, a brass band, and we couldn’t resist adding a few sleigh bells too! The wonderful artist Alicia Hayden has created an absolutely stunning video for the song.

The original song was based on a sketch written by Jon called ‘Silence Lost’ before being developed by Brian into a song inspired by the loss of a giant Ash tree (Fraxinus excelsior) near Brian’s home to Ash Dieback. It is about losing something powerful that we thought was a constant in our lives, and a reminder that we need to stay connected to nature and to each other at Christmas, because to lose that connection is to stop caring.


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