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Petition for to close registrations.

I just realized that none of the comments or posts I made in the last week from my instance are getting to

I went to see if I my instance was defederated. No, still showing as connected.

I then went to see if I got blocked or banned. Nope, my username is not showing up in the modlog anywhere.

Is it because my instance is small? I guess not, because I can interact with people and communities from anywhere else just fine.

At the moment, the only plausible explanation I have is that is overwhelmed and dropping messages from smaller instances. They do however everything in their power to keep more users coming up.

Yeah, I get that they were being attacked. I can only imagine that getting DDOS'd is not fun, and worrying about the Schmoes on the smaller instances is not a top concern.

But even in the middle of these constant outages and attacks, the admins are still keeping registrations open? Why? Wouldn't it be better if they encouraged the users to move out of the instance to reduce the load? Isn't the whole point of decentralized technologies to be, you know, decentralized?

I shouldn't have to come here, create an account and make things even more centralized just so that I can tell people that this attitude is hurting the fediverse.

I wouldn't be so pissed at this if it weren't for the fact that some many communities were created here and is making this particular instance a crucial part of the fediverse, but the admins seems to be more worried about getting their user count up than the health of the overall system.

Please, admins, the more you go with this unstable federation and open registrations, the more of an incentive you are creating to centralize this further here. Help the fediverse and help yourselves. Close down registrations and focus on ensuring that everyone can access the communities that are being formed here.

  • We are not 'dropping' messages from smaller instances. and others did tighten up some things to fend off some attacks but that should not interfere with the federation.

    If you could have at least mentioned your instance name we could ask our backend administrators to have a look and we could get back to you with an informed answer.

    We will not close registrations, what we will do is show people information on how the fediverse works and give them the option to register on other instances. That will be implemented in the next couple of days.

  • Hey, this happened to us recently. In your database check the table called 'instance ' and make sure the value for 'updated' is less than three days old for

    There are false positives regarding the detection of "dead instances" in the latest version of Lemmy and it's actually your instance that stops sending out messages to

  • Do you have any proof of any of this? Lol this just reads like a rant that your server isn’t as popular and it isn’t fair so the popular host should just stop taking on new users because reasons

  • This was brought up a few days ago on ml

  • A general thought about centralisation on the fediverse ...

    Across various platforms, relatively large instances appear to be a common, arguably "natural" phenomenon.,,,, etc (see the fedidb page for platforms for data).

    So, without judging it as inherently good or bad for the fediverse, it might be worth understanding why/how this comes to be. In that vein, my immediate thoughts:

    • Decentralisation isn't naturally attractive and has obvious flaws. It's off-putting if you don't understand what's going on, raises questions that hard to get answers to such as "how are the admins of that instance" and "what problems will I face that I'm not being told about", and generally introduces decisions and information that get in the way of starting an account and jumping in to the platform.
    • Network effects are real and would naturally lead to run away centralisation.
    • People seek "trust-worthiness" (related to the first point), and amidst uncertainty about which instance to pick, the obvious, and maybe only clear signal of trustworthiness is the size of an instance.
    • In the case of lemmy, the location of communities adds an extra dimension, which, given that you need an account on an instance to create a community there, contributes an additional centralising factor.

    If excessive centralisation is to be avoided, whatever the threshold is, I'd bet accounting for these factors (and whatever others are in play) would be necessary. Some random thoughts along these lines:

    • Large central instances could do more to promote instance diversity. I've seen ruud say that will be doing something along those lines shortly (stated on mastodon).
    • Smaller instances could do more to clearly state why and how their instance is attractive. How invested are the admins into maintaining the instance long term, what's their moderation/(de-)federation policy, do they have a team of some sort, who are they generally on some sort of personal level etc.
    • join-lemmy and bigger instances could do more to surface the above information about other instances.
    • The lemmy community (or any other fediverse community) could do more to establish norms about what is expected of instances, admins and communicating where instances and admins are in terms of these norms.
      • I see open source licences as a good model. Basically, various "pacts" get written up over time, which are statements of values and commitments that admins and users enter into when they run or join an instance. Various instances adopt particular (or various) pacts which made clear to all new members.
    • A bit more adventurous ... I'm wondering if "community only" and "user only" instances might make sense at all?
      • No idea if the division of load here would actually help anything, but I'm curious.
      • One issue would be how do users create communities on a "community-only" instance, and I figure the easiest way through that is allow users to sign in to the instance with their credentials from "user only" instances. A bit of software work would be required, but it's been done on the fediverse before.

    Beyond all of that, it might be worth considering the benefits of a relatively big "central" instance. Namely, AFAIU, that they test the limits of the software, which is useful for future growth, they can probably muster larger moderation teams, though such often has scaling issues, and, to be fair, provide the easy landing spot for newcomers who don't know how (or why) to pick an instance.

  • Hey, so I'm a nobody but I always have something to say and here are some things for you to think about.

    Yeah, you're frustrated and it's clear that you're concerned about the health of the fediverse, and that's a good attitude. Just know that I can't speak for .world admins, but I might be able to help you understand some of their decisions.

    Have you even considered that they're just trying to organically grow the userbase?

    .world is one of the most popular instances, and for good reason. With open registrations, they will come. You know the movie Field of Dreams? He built it, and they came. The same could be said about .world.

    Another thought to chew on is the fact that they're just not able to close registrations at this time.

    The instance is being DDoSed to the point of possibly stretching resources thin, and they may have to balance the influx of new users at this time.

    At the end of the day, whatever the reason is, sure, the admins need to work hard on creating policies that help lemmy and grow in a healthy way.

    The health of lemmy should come first, but in order to stay healthy, admins have to make hard choices, and there has to be a little give and take from everyone, including the users of the instance, not just them.

    It's good to outline your concerns, but maybe next time consider being a little more constructive and looking at the whole picture.

    There are a lot of moving parts, and I, for one, am quite impressed with what I've seen so far. They've chosen the right servers, mitigated serious issues behind the scenes, and above all else, have put up with me.

    So, yeah, maybe chill out a little bit and give them some time to work things out.

    I'm sure they're doing their best to keep the fediverse healthy, and I'm confident that they'll figure things out.

    In the meantime, why don't you go create some content and help build up the fediverse?

    That's always a good way to make a difference.

  • Tangential comment about sorting algorithms.

    As of writing, this post has a score of 3, with 36 up and 33 downvotes. There's a "Controversial" sorting algorithm in the works for lemmy, where controversity is high "engagement" (ie, lots of votes) but diverging opinions (ie low total scores) ... and this is precisely what that feed would be for ... kinda interesting!

  • I feel like picking your first instance is not as important as you make it out to be here.

    It's similar to registering on a web site, and all these decisions you talk about sound like you are choosing a partner for life. Is she responsible? Will she take care of the children?

    It really isn't the end of the world if you pick a small instance and you don't like it, I promise.

  • Honestly, I moved away from that instance after days of issues, downtimes and timeouts. Been a smooth experience since then. It's unfortunate that they are more focussed on grabbing as many new users as possible instead of giving the existing users a stable experience.

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