Fixed projectiles get stuck in one direction while holding back movement
Fixed projectiles get stuck in one direction while holding back movement
Solution: I removed the else statement from the integrated_forces process and left the two lines from the condition within the process and it fixed it :) Before:
func _integrate_forces(state): if Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"): state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation)) if Input.is_action_pressed("strafe_left"): state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation + 4.712)) if Input.is_action_pressed("strafe_right"): state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation + 1.5708)) if Input.is_action_pressed("move_down"): state.apply_force((thrust.rotated(rotation) * -1)) else: state.apply_force(Vector2()) Globals.player_rotation = rotation
func _integrate_forces(state): if Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"): state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation)) if Input.is_action_pressed("strafe_left"): state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation + 4.712)) if Input.is_action_pressed("strafe_right"): state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation + 1.5708)) if Input.is_action_pressed("move_down"): state.apply_force((thrust.rotated(rotation) * -1)) state.apply_force(Vector2()) Globals.player_rotation = rotation
Hey guys, making some progress on this game but having a weird issue and I can't figure out what's happening. I'm instancing a ship scene into the level scene based on player selection. Weapon projectile instancing happens in the level scene. Fixed weapons shoot straight forward and this works fine as I'm moving and rotating until I hold the key to move backward, then all of the shots continue firing in the same direction I was facing when I started holding the key. Video example. This was all working fine prior to instancing the player into the scene. Here's the code I'm working with (please disregard the messy code lol).
extends Node2D class_name LevelParent var selected_ship = Globals.player_selected_ship var format_ship_resource_path = "res://scenes/ships/ship_%s.tscn" var ship_resource_path = format_ship_resource_path % selected_ship var laser_scene: PackedScene = preload("res://scenes/weapons/laser.tscn") func _ready(): var ship_scene = load(ship_resource_path) var ship = ship_scene.instantiate() $Player.add_child(ship) ship.connect("shoot_fixed_weapon", _shoot_fixed_weapon) ship.connect("shoot_gimbal_weapon", _shoot_gimbal_weapon) func _shoot_gimbal_weapon(pos,direction): var laser = laser_scene.instantiate() as Area2D laser.position = pos laser.rotation_degrees = rad_to_deg(direction.angle()) + 90 laser.direction = direction $Projectiles.add_child(laser) func _shoot_fixed_weapon(pos, direction): var laser = laser_scene.instantiate() as Area2D laser.position = pos laser.rotation_degrees = rad_to_deg(Globals.player_rotation) Globals.fixed_hardpoint_direction = Vector2(cos(Globals.player_rotation),sin(Globals.player_rotation)) laser.direction = Globals.fixed_hardpoint_direction.rotated(-1.5708) $Projectiles.add_child(laser)
extends ShipTemplate var can_boost: bool = true #Weapons variables var can_shoot: bool = true #hardpoint type should use 0=fixed, 1=gimbal, 2=turret #later add ability to have mixed hardpoints var hardpoint_type: int = 0 #Signals signal shoot_gimbal_weapon(pos,direction) signal shoot_fixed_weapon(pos,direction) func _ready(): Globals.boost_max = boost_max func _process(delta): Globals.player_pos = global_position #Build out section to target planetary bodies/NPCs/etc for auto routing if Input.is_action_just_pressed("get_cords"): print(str(Globals.player_pos)) #weapon aiming toggle, remove later after hardpoints developed if Input.is_action_just_pressed("gimbal_toggle"): if hardpoint_type == 0: hardpoint_type += 1 else: hardpoint_type -= 1 if can_boost == false: _boost_recharge(boost_regen*delta) print("boost max: " + str(boost_max)) print("boost regen: " + str(boost_regen)) print("global boost level: " + str(Globals.boost_level)) if Globals.boost_level == boost_max: can_boost = true print("can boost: Boost recharged!") ### WEAPONS ### #Remove LaserTimer when weapon modules are set up #Fixed weapon code var player_direction = (Globals.player_pos - $FixedHardpointDirection.position).normalized() if Input.is_action_just_pressed("fire_primary") and can_shoot and Globals.laser_ammo > 0 and hardpoint_type == 0: Globals.laser_ammo -= 1 var hardpoint_positions = $HardpointPositions.get_children() can_shoot = false $Timers/LaserTimer.start() for i in hardpoint_positions: print("ship shot fired") shoot_fixed_weapon.emit(i.global_position, player_direction) #Gimbal weapon code var gimbal_direction = (get_global_mouse_position() - position).normalized() if Input.is_action_just_pressed("fire_primary") and can_shoot and Globals.laser_ammo > 0 and hardpoint_type == 1: Globals.laser_ammo -= 1 var hardpoint_positions = $HardpointPositions.get_children() can_shoot = false $Timers/LaserTimer.start() for i in hardpoint_positions: shoot_gimbal_weapon.emit(i.global_position, gimbal_direction) #Add turret (auto aim system) later #Spaceflight physics based controls func _integrate_forces(state): if Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"): state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation)) if Input.is_action_pressed("strafe_left"): state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation + 4.712)) if Input.is_action_pressed("strafe_right"): state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation + 1.5708)) if Input.is_action_pressed("move_down"): state.apply_force((thrust.rotated(rotation) * -1)) else: state.apply_force(Vector2()) Globals.player_rotation = rotation #REWORK boost mechanic. button hold (gradual) vs press (instant), increase cooldown, adjust boost length, add fuel/special requirements for use if Input.is_action_just_pressed("boost") and can_boost: can_boost = false Globals.boost_level = 0 #$Timers/BoostRecharge.start() state.apply_impulse((thrust.rotated(rotation) * 2)) var rotation_direction = 0 if Input.is_action_pressed("turn_right"): rotation_direction += 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("turn_left"): rotation_direction -= 1 state.apply_torque(rotation_direction * torque) #modify later to remove globals. Base boost data on ship equipment func _boost_recharge(recharge_rate): Globals.boost_level = clamp(Globals.boost_level + recharge_rate, 0, boost_max) print(Globals.boost_level) #Timer timeout functions func _on_boost_timer_timeout(): print("boost depleted") func _on_boost_recharge_timeout(): print("boost timer recharged!") can_boost = true func _on_laser_timer_timeout(): can_shoot = true