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Structure of the first game, open for comments

I'm still finalizing the rounds, but here is what I think would be good for the structure. Some of these rules can't be changed once we start, but we can switch things up for subsequent games if we notice issues:

Visibility: Unlisted

I will post the link publicly here, and you're free to share it with whoever you want. It just won't be listed publicly within MusicLeague

League Pace: "Accelerated Playlist and voting results can arrive early, round deadlines won't move"

We all have our own lives, and this should keep the deadlines predictable. However, if we finish submitting early, we have more time to listen to the playlists and revelling in our points.


  • Players must submit: 1 song per round
  • Players must spend: 10 points when voting
  • Player's can't spend more than: 5 points on one song
  • High stakes: ENABLED ("Users who submit but do not vote will receive no points")


  • Players can see comments: "After voting only"

    This will keep the voting about the songs, and not the commentary. It might make sense in future rounds to have this as "before and after voting"


I'm thinking of starting next week.

  • Deadline to submit a song will be every Friday (11:30PM Pacific Time)
  • Deadline to vote will be every Monday (11:30PM Pacific)

So 4 days to submit a song, and 3 days to listen and vote?

Alternatively, we can have 1 week for each: 1 week to submit, 1 week to vote


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