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[SPOILERS] - Thanksgiving - Patrick Dempsey, Rick Hoffman, Gina Gershon - Dir. by Eli Roth

Nov 17th, 20231hr 47m6.787%68


        After a Black Friday riot ends in tragedy, a mysterious Thanksgiving-inspired killer terrorizes Plymouth, Massachusetts - the birthplace of the infamous holiday.



        Eli Roth



        Jeff Rendell, Eli Roth


Patrick Dempsey...Sheriff Eric Newlon
Rick Hoffman...Thomas Wright
Gina Gershon...Amanda Collins
Milo Manheim...Ryan
Addison Rae...Gabby
  • Not bad. Very much an homage to old slasher flicks. I didn't even realize this is the movie to go with his trailer from Grindhouse. It's been so long, I forgot about those trailers. It's campy, over the top, and pretty fun. Definitely not without faults, but overall a decent time.

    Once the killer is revealed, a lot of the previous scenes don't really make sense. The cast is way too old to be playing high school kids, but they meshed well. I couldn't stand anyone in the movie, and was rooting for the killer, though, lol. They are all pretty horrible people, outside of the main girl. The opening scene was kind of depressing for me, just a reminder of our consumer-based culture and the horrible people in it.

    But I loved the kills. One felt a little mean spirited, but overall they were silly and way over the top. The 'Baw-ston' accents were cracking me up. Especially the Hanover kid. He must have gone to the Eli Roth 'Inglourious Basterds' school of Boston accents. It was just crazy. I wish it leaned a little more into the camp and silliness, but overall, I had fun.