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  • I'd pick teleport but I'm afraid of the splicing consequences.

    I'd rather just see inside empty objects. I'm sure I could use this in some circumstances. Being able to "know" if a box is empty or not could be perceived as super natural. There is probably a lot of money in that. Plus, a lot of gambling opportunities in things like that cup game. What defines a container? That could change things.

    Controlling any toaster with my mind is ambiguous. I'll assume it only works on toasters with power. So I can only turn them on/off to make toast. I could use this power to destroy countries. Power draw of a toaster isn't too bad, but every toaster being turned on at the same time might damage an energy sector. It would take a while to debug as well.

    I like the free gravel.

    I think I'd pick free gravel and... Seeing inside empty objects. Seems like the most profitable with the least chance of a monkeys paw.

  • Re option 1: I'm assuming it's like when Arthur Dent learned to talk to birds.

    [Arthur Dent] learned to communicate with birds and discovered that their conversation was fantastically boring. It was all to do with wind speed, wingspans, power-to-weight ratios, and a fair bit about berries.

  • I pick 5 to make infinite money.

    Step 1 - Buy some used toasters

    Step 2 - Rebrand and sell those toasters

    Step 3 - Make every toaster that isn't mine fail catastrophically

    Step 4 - PROFIT!

  • Easy. 1 and 5.

    1 - "Hey friends. Who's had an itchy grain of sand stuck inside? If you open wide I can take it out and put you back.". Profit.

    5 - Insurance fraud by burning down vacant homes through "faulty wiring" then suing the manufacturer.

  • I at least like the toaster if we assume instantaneous faster than light control. If I can sit and watch a feed of stocks and toggle a buy/sell toaster hooked up to the stock market 250 ms away, I can pretty easily beat the market and make money.

    Similarly you could use the empty container rule to have someone communicate with you by toggling the empty state of a container. If you sense/not sense the container you have a reliable binary communication channel and Morse code is pretty viable too. But it's probably best for a predetermined action because you're racing the latency of light here and we're not multiplanetary yet so you've only got hundreds of milliseconds margin to work with. Unless you contract with NASA or anyone yeeting things into space. Build an instrument that can Morse code via empting/filling a container and suddenly voyager can send us instant communication. Combine it with a set of control toasters and that's pretty valuable too.

    Teleportation: is there a cool down? Because most places can be teleported to in increments of 7 inches if I can chain them.

  • 1 and 7. Knowing if things are empty might be marginally useful. Communicating with oysters seems fascinating. Oysters are similar to coral in that they are an important part of forming habits for fish. Being able to ask them what's troubling them could be useful for conservation efforts.

  • 3 and 5.

    5 because it would even work on toasters that can do more than just toast, i.e. a toaster plus computer.

    3 because the other pills don't sound useful. And it doesn't say how often I can use this teleportation. So I assume through repeated teleportation I'd be super fast. If it doesn't also teleport my cloths, I'd probably not use it too often though, apart from changing cloths (the 17.78 cm should be barely enough). It would also be interesting to fly using repeated teleportation. Though if my speed is not also reset through teleportation, I'd still fall, and landing would be dangerous. And if cloths and similar are not teleported with me, I also couldn't take a parachute or wings with me.