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Discord raided shop servers

Discord just banned most switch shop/drive related discords RIP (but this shouldn't impact using any of the services). If you use a tinfoil shop, check the message that loads when you connect in Tinfoil for information/alternatives.

From Teknik

servers we know that are impacted

  • Tits pro
  • Jits
  • Neko drive
  • neko tits
  • revolution
  • source shop
  • bikeborb
  • Alien gaming

Looks like communities are now moving to, however for such communities, I think that Matrix or something similar should be utilized.

Some of the invites I've found:

At least there is still a way to stay up to date of what's happening, however is clunky at best.

  • This popped up on my All feed so sorry for the ignorance, but I’m just curious.

    What’s the point of these shops? I’ve been using the torrents from nxbrew with no issues. Are these shops for more obscure games or something?

    • Convenience. Tinfoil shops provide the convenience level of the normal eShop. You just open Tinfoil, select the game, and Tinfoil will download and install the game directly from the shop. You don't need to navigate any websites, copy links, or bypass url shorteners.

  • Good job on the list and guilded links!

    To set up Source Shop, join the GG server, complete the verification, then go in the #information channel and click on the pinned message. Click the checkmark to react, and you will get the Tinfoil addresses needed for the shop.