Different languages have different conventions. For example, the standardized variety of my language allows 11/(0)9/2001, 11/(0)9/01, 11.(0)9.2001, 11.(0)9.01, 2001-09-11, 2001/09/11, 2001.09.11 (personally I usually use 11/09 without the year and 2001-09-11 with the year).
I don’t want to hear shit about what order we write numbers in from a continent where numbers include one hundred nine and thirty to mean 139, or three twenties ten and nine for 79
If you're so mad at Fr*nch and German numbers, don't look up Danish numbers. Unless you can guess what "five and half five's". Did you guess 95? Why would you?
I label all of my notes like 'YYYYMMDD_some_title_here' so they automatically sort by when I made them when sorted by name, or YYYYMMDDHHmm if the note won't be getting a title (such as daily notes or notes that I made too quickly to care about titling)