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Recently got some financial windfall from a relative, and it's finally sinking in just how much anxiety this lifted off my shoulders

My grandmother noticed just how down I was when my family and I took her out for Mother's Day a few weeks back, and she found out I've been having a real rough time lately. She reached out to me to let me know she'd be willing to help me out with my medical expenses. So we met for lunch and worked out an arrangement. Now I'll be able to see my therapist every week, and my physical therapist twice a week, pay down debts, cover some other expenses, and actually have money to save and use to buy the things I need for once.

I feel like I can breathe now. I have some goddamn room to think. And I can work on all the things I've been wanting to work on, like my art and my writing and losing weight again. This is the most generous thing anyone has ever done for me and I'm still processing it. I know for sure I'm going to get some fancy stationery and write my grandma a long-ass thank-you letter with my fancy fountain pen as soon as I get some time to sit down and hash out what I'm going to say.

It struck me that what she's given me is something I haven't really had in a long time: something to look forward to. Some hope. A feeling that maybe things can actually improve, in tangible ways, and not just some nebulous far-off future sense. To that end I've actually bothered making plans for once. Going to hit the gym on Tuesday, then see my therapist, then hit up a coworker who wants to hang out, and grab a Nintendo Switch, TOTK, and Metroid Dread with my tuition reimbursement money from my job benefits. I've got a bit of peace in my heart for once. It feels nice.

TLDR: from :doomer: to :bloomer: