I'm going to my friends Hamas base RULE dinner
I'm going to my friends Hamas base RULE dinner
I'm going to my friends Hamas base RULE dinner
What’s with the black rectangle in the corner? Did someone decide to deliberately cut off the artist’s credit?
Probably, that’s the conclusion I came to also. Or maybe the original was for the company that made the template and they didn’t want to make people think that company made it made the meme? Idk.
Oh yeah, like a "9gag" watermark or whatever? Definitely possible, good point.
If i dislike the company or the watermark I usually just copy the hex value of the background and hide it that way
My guess is Tiktok, since they put a watermark about that size in the bottom right.
Negotiation tactics don't generally involve shooting through the hostage.
Well, this claim has been made by Israel, too, as if to say the tunnels are all underneath hospitals. But they showed a quickly made 3D rendering, not proof.
Good ol' Isreal showing school shooters that bombing is better for killing kids.
True but two wronges don't make a right. It is still wrong to bomb that school
So if someone attacks you and threatens to eradicate everyone in your country and has their rocket launchers on top of hospitals, hides their fighter in refugee camps, and has their operation offices under schools, what do you do:
The main problem is Hamas using Palestinians as shields. There is almost 0 uproar against Hamas in here. But its their fault Palestinians are dying.
I laughed but now I'm mad and sad. Fuck you Isreal.
Fuck Hamas, enemy of palestinians.
How about: fuck both. They're both war criminals, so they both suck.
Also: change Palestine to free real estate
Also: change
Palestinehamas base to free real estate
Stop being antisemitic 😤
Oh fugg off with this whataboutism. No shit fuck Hamas. I don't know anyone who actually support them except fringe, terminally online leftists. As Palestinian civilians (read: children) die people decry and ask dO yOu ConDemN HaMas?! I watched a video after one of the, bombings by israel, of people transported injured on a mattress. One of the individuals was a child with their head blown open. A fucking child.
Do you condemn Israel?!? Do you condemn Israel??? Do you condemn Israel???
Why is does that gets down voted? Every Time someone says: "Hey Hamas is also doing atrocious things, lets blame both!" People get so ridiculously pissed off. And I have no Idea why.
But I'm with you on this one! Fuck Hamas. They are Terrorist and the civilians of Palestine deserve so much more then these bastards.
Yeah Fuck the Warsaw uprising. There’s no Reason to ever rise up against your oppressors. They should be content to go through the legal process to change things. Israel has never committed actions that make peaceful protest impossible, like shooting over 3000 Palestinians who were in a peaceful dance off at the edge of their concentration camp. I mean, Israel is only going after Hamas, it’s not like they’ve been systematically bombing the West Bank, where there is no Hamas presence. They’re only going after the leadership, which is why they’re bombing Lebanon, not Gaza, because as we all know, none of Hamas leadership resides in Gaza.
Taliban, Hamas, ISIS, MAGA, Zionism I think we can all agree are bad and shouldn't be engaged or listened to or donated to.
You're mom -> Hamas base
And as per the recent interviews it's intentional, "we need the blood of Palestinian children" or however these sick fucks put it.
I Aladeen this.
You are HIV Aladeen
You’re right, I can’t do much. But to say nothing we do matters is contrary to the evidence we have. Biden has gone from full throated support of Israel, to calling for a humanitarian pause, to warning them that their actions are dissolving support for them around the globe. A majority of Americans support a cease-fire, and that’s bipartisan support, republicans and democrats. The pressure is working, and no one should let up until the genocide is halted.
But suppose I concede that nothing I do will change anything, even collectively. All that means is that we’re set for WWIII. The Middle East is not going to watch the genocide of 2 million people happen without themselves retaliating. So, it’s either, we convince Israel to stop peacefully, or we risk the safety and security of the entire planet because some ethno-nationalists decided this was the perfect excuse to enact their Final Solution and we decided to fund it without any questions.
Israel is always begging for us to support them, their vile terrorist unhinged actions will make that argument super hard next round. Dems will control the Senate, House, and POTUS and they will not want to have dead kids all over their signatures and families from Israeli actions. They did this to themselves, they could have gone after Hamas instead of kids.
HIV Hamas base