Futurama: Official Trailer for the new season
Futurama: Official Trailer for the new season
Futurama: Official Trailer for the new season
They made every episode the eyephone one, looks awful.
Yeah it seems like they're following the trend of most animated media and just doing the wink/nudge "look how ridiculous this modern thing is in a different context!"
It's all just meta jokes that will inevitably be dated once the current socioeconomic/political situation changes in a few years again, like it always has and will. The original seasons occasionally did that but it feels like they're just copying R+M or Velma now.
Don't have high hopes from the trailer to be honest but definitely want this to be good.
I cannot wait! I remember when the new season was first announced and someone was really hoping that things start out with the professor announcing something about being saved by a Hulu hoop
I don't know how to express that I'm shrieking like a teeny bopper from the late 90s for this via text, but just imagine that's what I was doing for a full minute and 57 seconds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!