Monthly Question Threads (November)
Monthly Question Threads (November)
Place to ask questions, respond to questions and discuss Genshin
Monthly Question Threads (November)
Place to ask questions, respond to questions and discuss Genshin
Man I just want Arlecchino đ©
Same. Going to maybe (not 100% sure, as I dislike her personality so far, her leaked kit looks nice though) try for Furina next patch then it's up to saving and hoping the current leaks about Father's release patch are correct.
For plot I want Cliff Hanger to finally remove his dirty hands from my bestest hydro bro of awesomeness.
I'm considering her if shes Sub DPS MAYBE main. Ive been let down by attempting to save for pyro units (Dehya) before.
My main hope right now is that Siegwinne(or hell anyone) is a Hydro/Team Healer/Shielder.
along with the supposed other 4.3 healer focused artifact, my sole hope is to break free from Zhong Li/Bennet that some teams use, especially teams that cannot use Bennett's C6 (e.g Wanderer Standard)
I have a feeling that Wanderer/Faruzan/Flex/Flex can be filled with Furina/Hydro Team Healer, or just any team that may happen to use both Zhong Li and Bennett because of a few things, first to point out what Zhong Li and Bennett offer that needs to be "replaced" for a new pair to be viable:
Zhong Li: Top in class shield when using ult, and can generate normal crystalize shields 20% Res Shred and to a lesser extent, petrify(not vital but nice to have)
Bennett: Single Target Healing Bonus based on Base attack Pyro Infusion for sword claymore polearm + 15% pyro damage
Both: Benefit from Geo or Pyro Resonance if other party members are that element
What Furina + Hydro Shielder/healer offer
Furina: Top in class Damage % buff to party okayish hydro application that chases
Hypothetical Hydro Healer Shielder: Shield Team Heal (if supposed healing accessory is real) Overheal > buffs possible more hydro application
Both: Guaranteed 25% max HP due to Hydro resonance (which buffs Furinas damage, as well as rest of party can live longer/dont die to furinas ability as easily).
In the core of Wanderer standard, I do hope Wanderer/Faruzan/Furina/Hydro HealShield becomes the new standard, as Geo/Bennett is extremely poor for anemo swirl (anemo+geo does nothing, wanderer is catalyst and does not receive bennett c6 bonuses) which essentially bets on that Furina Damage % + Hydro Heal/Shield overheal to buff + more swirls is a higher damage increase than res shred + Bennett base attack bonus + minor pyro swirl from bennett.
This of course does not only affect wanderer, but it becomes a major option for any Catalyst or Bow based main DPS that does not benefit from Bennett's c6, especially anemo due to no infusion + does nothing with geo. Bennett's time in the spotlight should now be shared
Siegwienne is cryo right?