We've known that Israel is a white supremacist settler-colonial project since 1949 - I'd say seventy plus years qualifies as "a long time" in this regard.
The thing is that it can't be a ceasefire until Hamas frees all the hostages. And even then, there is no guarantee that there won't be another terrorist attack.
I'm not saying the 6 million number is wrong I'm just asking for evidence?
Is it easier to see what WidowsFavoriteSon is doing now that I flipped it around? It's called JAQing off
The point is to ask what sound like reasonable questions but in reality you're just trying to sew uncertainty for others. Check WidowsFavoriteSon's history, they're not asking in good faith.
Information about occupation and conflict-related casualties is regularly collected by OCHA field staff and entered into OCHA’s Protection of Civilians database, following review and verification. As a rule, for an incident to be entered into the database it needs to be validated by at least two independent and reliable sources. Exceptions to this rule include incidents resulting in Israeli injuries, where information is typically based on media reports.
And the fact that this line of questioning exactly mirrors holocaust denialism is gross. I know, har har, godwin's law; but it's really the same fucking thing. I would bet money that it's not an accident.