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Inflation in Europe has reached double digits

Furthermore we are seeing major euro chemical corps taking preservation measures that may be a signal for a death spiral for the competitiveness of European capital. We also see leaders like Macron pissed that the US is in such a good spot relatively speaking. All of this is only getting harder to watch. The US truly is cannabalizing the west.

  • You know shit's getting bad when even Macron is getting tired of being milhouse.

  • I can easily see it getting to 20% within a few months. Once they burn through the stored up gas supplies shit is gonna deteriorate fast.

    • The question is - how are they going to go about resolving this? The current governments may not want to even try, but the people will eventually demand action.

      • Most probably austerity and hoping people wont revolt. Also combined with usurious loans to subisidize essentials and fuck it, après moi le déluge as is the motto of every capitalist. In Poland it's surely gonna be like this and people most likely won't revolt.