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Enterprise is too gross

I watch TV while eating, because TV takes my mind off the textures of the food and helps me dissociate from eating. I also have a very active imagination and ability to immerse myself in a show

Enterprise seems to have characters beaten bloody, covered in soot, drenched in sweat or slime, or poisoned by trellium-D every other episode. It's very hard to watch Enterprise compared to the rest of Star Trek

  • From the title I completely expected this to be about how often they have T'Pol half (or fully) naked.

    • My issue with ENT is the treatment of female characters. It's not just T'Pol, but she definitely comes off worse. It's all pretty cringy watching it with 2023 eyes. That crap with the Doctor guilting T'Pol into sexy time Vulcan therapy with Tripp, for example. Urgh. Very much of the "FHM" era. That, and most (all?) the characters are unlikable. I've tried many times to watch it since the time but struggle with more than 1 or 2 episodes.

      • @rubikcuber @TeaHands I mostly remember Hoshi and her "am I really working with all these dumb children?" constant face. The rest were either someone randomly having to shower with T'Pol, or Rick Berman making T'Pol have anime falls over Archer (boobs to the face, etc). And Tripp being the most insufferable asshole always... I think the only things I liked from Enterprise were the opening (I know most people don't) and Hoshi.

    • Years ago, I decided to watch Enterprise from beginning to “end”. I eventually enjoyed it, but damn the amount of “fan service” nearly made me quit due to the pure cringe factor. Also, if your name wasn’t Archer you weren’t interesting.