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  • I'm usually playing older games of some sort. There's retro games, like those from the 32-bit era and before, but I also play...old-ish games, ones that were released within the last decade or two. Just last year I began playing Tokyo Xanadu eX+, which was released in 2017 (albeit as the definitive version of a 2015 game).

    I think a number of the indie games I play are generally newer. Though, given my tastes, many of them tend to be games designed to evoke some sort of similarity to those older styles of games. So I guess it's an interesting question whether they count as "retro" or not.

    That said, given that I pretty much only use store-bought laptops (and not of the "gaming" variety), my hardware means that I'm much better off playing older games anyway. "Newer old" games can probably still run, depending on the game, but some may be choppy and I can probably wait on those.

  • Definitely on a 5-6 year lag. Currently the only games I've been playing are Titanfall 2, Persona 5, and Stardew Valley.

    Basically covers everything I need, a long jrpg, a multiplayer fps (using the Northstar mod), and an endless chill game

  • yeah, that's basically when i play most aaa games - when the mood takes me, but mostly ~10 years old. i've just recently finally played wofenstein new order, followed by the tomb raider legend trilogy (they're really short), and i've now started on the tomb raider survivor trilogy

    indie games i tend to play a bit sooner; partly because they're cheaper and partly because i feel they're more likely to use (and need) the money to make more games. although the last indie game i played was fez, and the dev of that has quit completely...