It's fine to do that kind of work for free for the sake of creating and maintaining a nice community for something you enjoy. It's like charity work.
The problem is that there's a big company that's profiting massively from this 'charity work'.
You saying a for profit business cannot have volunteers because it’s akin to labor without pay? That’s anti capitalist and pro workers.
Even then, doing charity work while forcing your wife to earn all the money and do all the chores around the house is questionable
No arguing there, the specific situation is shit either way
Ah yes, the best kind of charity work.
Moderating r/funny
At the same time, this is realistically the only way to gain/maintain community for really niche topics. Unfortunately, lemmy is not a thriving place for things like nonograms, low-poly artwork, the artist C418, or Pokemon GO research/infographics.
Nonogram sounds like a euphemism lol
"Dude, stop touching your nonogram at work."
Exactly. But the moderators get a taste of that juice and suck that reddit nectar.
In retrospect that reminds me of the big controversy with Minecraft back in the day when Mojang just casually revealed they owned bukkit.
Thanks for sending me down another Internet history rabbithole :')
Reddit makes something like a dollar fifty per user, per year. They're not actually making a huge amount of money off their user base.
Remember me to an old meme
Countless lives saved.
Moderating a subreddit is a choice, not a personal characteristic. Attempting to dilute the meaning of the word by pretending that criticism of moderators is "bigotry" is itself abusive reactionary rhetoric.
Working for free for a large corporation is just sad. What's even weirder is that this person acknowledges that it is basically a job, but doesn't mind not getting paid for it. I think most people that spend ridiculous amounts of time working for a big corporation for free don't have the understanding that it is basically a job.
I hope he seeks help of some kind.
I hear FIFA is accepting volunteers
Agreed, that type of person seems to me like someone who associates their job with their identity. Doesn't help that our identities are almost exclusively linked with our occupation but anyway or that Reddit takes advantage of people who do.
I used to moderate several subs with over 2M subscribers and while being a Digital Janitor can take a lot of time and effort at the end of the day its just volunteer labor and with Reddit in particular it's volunteer labor to help a commercial entity.
Society would be better off if these kinds of mods would use the time to volunteer at a soup kitchen or something.
If it's a community you're passionate about, I don't see the issue myself.
Seems like many are doing it for the sake of modding though
to be fair he finally found a real job (see the edit): https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/r2w9qb/my_husband_is_the_moderator_for_a_few_different/
"Edit: To all the profile-lurkers, my husband is no longer a moderator, and has a (real) job now FYI"
Only do moderation in moderation.
The mod is a lazy POS. He will continue to contribute nothing to the household for as long as it’s tolerated. I hope he sees that post. Maybe that was the intent all along.
Also, I can see how “fake job” could be taken as rude, but why is it bannable to say mods “do it for free”? To me, that just seems like a statement of fact. They are unpaid volunteers, after all. Am I missing something?
Okay, the hypersensitivity and defensiveness make it even funnier.
(Why doesn’t anyone take me seriouslyyyyy?!? Come on, guys! I’m a REDDIT MOD! I should be treated with RESPECT!)
Thanks for sharing this. I would never guess there was 10 years old backstory to it.
Lemmy chads actually doing something(self hosting) while reddit mods wank for the 15th time to childs in a day while banning a few people.
Don't forget banning people for talking back against fascists and using nazi as a pejorative.
Someone complaining about Reddit and Reddit mods on Reddit. That’ll show ‘em.
I'm already seeing lemmy mods starting to act exactly like reddit mods so it's not that ill-fitting.
We shouldn't be surprised that the reddit-like website made as an alternative to reddit becomes more like reddit as more redditors leave reddit for reddit alternatives.
did i say reddit enough yet? reddit.
Mods acting like mods everywhere else in response to users acting like users everywhere else.
No, we shouldn’t be surprised when we think we reinvented the wheel only to act surprised that it’s still round and rolls.
No need to block out the username, we know it's powermod.
Clean it up jannie
oops did i make a mess 😏? clean it up jannie 😎 it’s your job to clean up my mess 😎
clean up the mess i made here 🤣🤣🤣
CLEAN IT UP 🧹 🧹 🧼 clean it all up yes jannie clean it up 🧹 you’re a jannie it’s your job to clean it up 🧼 😂
FOR $0.00 💵 of course. you clean it up for $0.00. For free 💰and without compensation 🧹 🧹 🧹
clean up my mess jannie 😎
This is hilarious. It's been a while since I laughed like that. Thanks.
Why pay human moderators when hydrogen atoms do it naturally and for free?
Oh lawdy.
Seeing the guys alot of women choose to be with sometimes makes me proud to be single lmao.
The mods of r/sumo need to be shown this
There's being a mod on many levels. From a mod on 4chan to a mod in facebook groups. Being a reddit mod these days is like naming your herpes and showing coworkers "pictures of the kids"
stammering under the pressure Post spez reddit and the humanitarian... then..... i just can't. Holy jesus fucks on wednesdays this shit screams "reddit mod" which is a whole new level of stupid. Seriously guy? You think you're that important?
And then a reddit mod steps in. And bigorty... bans..... society???? post spez reddit mod activate. Mother fucker.
And there's the awards......
That poor fucking Snoo.
(Fediverse instance admin > lemmy/kbin mod ) >>>> reddit mod.
Owners of forum with less than 3 users >
That's wild.
I want to go find this post and get banned from reddit for the two hundred time....