I present to you a "pro-Palestinian" liberal's advice for Gazans
I present to you a "pro-Palestinian" liberal's advice for Gazans
I present to you a "pro-Palestinian" liberal's advice for Gazans
Just so everyone knows, they did lead a peaceful march a few years back and the Israelis shot thousands and thousands of them.
And Israel lost no legitimacy over it, the international media either treated it as business like usual, those rowdy middle easterners just failing to get along, or straight up told Palestinians that they had no right to protest like that and that every single civilian was actually either a willing or stupid human shield for cloaked hamas agents, there to attack the IDF.
The first headline I came across about this was something along the lines of "here's how the Palestine situation helps Putin"
These doorknobs don't care
They somehow think they'll be the ones to come up with a workable solution for this which doesn't involve violence, while some of them even acknowledge that the US establishment is completely backing Israel and completely fine with Palestine being wiped out of existence
Head empty
How is this event called? I don't really remember it.
It was the Great March of Return
Can someone link more info on this for my uninformed ass? “Palestine peace march” is not giving many useful results rn due to the recent events
holy fuck
Yeah. Hard as tungsten.
peaceful march
They tried that, Israel mowed them down en masse, it didn't lose an ounce of legitimacy in the eyes of
I wonder if there is some kind of socio-economic forces that are the driving reasons behind the world hegemon supporting the fascist state of isn'treal?
The Palestinians should offer themselves to the butcher's knife. They should throw themselves into the sea from cliffs. It would arouse the world and the people of Israel.
Gandhi, twitter, 2023
Beat me to it. Easy to say other people should just lay down and die I guess.
For context, here’s the original quote:
Yes, imagine...
Although this year’s event passed by without any violence, Land Day in Gaza in past years has erupted in clashes at the border fence with Israel
In 2018, Palestinians in Gaza used the day to begin a series of mass protests dubbed the Great March of Return, which lasted two years.
The protests saw major bloodshed with more than 260 Palestinians killed, mostly by Israeli sniper fire.
Nearly 7,000 others were shot and wounded, according to Gaza’s health ministry.
Also, post the link you coward!
unarmed children getting hit from 300 meters. IOF snipers were having competitions to see how many Palestinian knees they could destroy, just intentionally maiming people
'42 Knees in One Day': Israeli Snipers Open Up About Shooting Gaza Protesters
EDIT: replaced paywalled Haaretz with archive link
peaceful march
yes, Israel would respond violently
I knew that the IDF has a pre-set kill limit. Knowing that, I sent waves and waves of unarmed women and children at the Israelis until they exceeded their limit and shut down.
If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards
The kill cap is 2,147,483,647
but fewer would die
fewer Israelis, maybe
They got shot, killed and injured by the IDF
Anyway slava palestine, slava to the martyrs
“Just line up against the mass graves so the fascists can kill you easily” is quite the take from libs
They literally did the "lie down and pretend to be dead and let them arrest you" "protest" during the George Floyd stuff. Liberal ideology has no room for effective political action.
radliberalism is a disease and a potentially fatal one that will get you killed doing stupid pointless symbolic horseshit
Imagine thinking liberals would care about 100,000 civilians being massacred if they fail the
testThey'd be cut down like field mice under a roto tiller, but at least it would do nothing
It would do something. The white moderates get there peace in place of having to witness justice.
There is nothing more privileged than these clowns who think wars can be won peacefully.
What about that time Yeltsin gave his congress a pepsi and then the USSR dissolved peacefully?
Not pictured: peaceful dissolving causing losses comparable to WW2.
Even if by some magic they didn't get shot doing their nonviolent march, the Israelis don't fucking care, and you are never never going to make them.
Go talk to them, they literally couldn't care less.
"But have you considered being rEsPeCtAbLe‽"
They already tried that in 2018 and it got them shot by israelis. Also didnt israel killed their own pm (who himself is still fucking brutal and did war crimes) who tried some sort of compromise that heavily favors israel?
The perpetrator was Yigal Amir, a 25-year-old former Hesder student and far-right law student at Bar-Ilan University. Amir had strenuously opposed Rabin's peace initiative, particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords, because he felt that an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank would deny Jews their "biblical heritage which they had reclaimed by establishing settlements". Amir had come to believe that Rabin was a rodef, meaning a "pursuer" who endangered Jewish lives. The concept of din rodef ("law of the pursuer") is a part of traditional Jewish law. Amir believed he would be justified under din rodef in removing Rabin as a threat to Jews in the territories.[15]
"oh no, not our legitimacy!"
Do libs live in the real world?
they think will if this happened, they will be information about situation from western press. they think western press will not try to focus on bad aspects of such protests ( they burn cars or something, they say some questinable stuff etc.). they think they will not drop their support for this because how their media paints the picture. root cause is that they don't think they are fed propaganda, they are given truth. I remember a major protest happened in 2018 and israel killed 200 of protesters? did the regime fall, of course they did not. They don't even know it. remember: "soviet/russian/chinese propaganda is so strong" is a lie. if something is a good propaganda, you would never know it and people there know it too. Actually the strongest propaganda belongs to west. Much fewer percentage of their people questin the propaganda
A literal judas goat
Just march through the sniper fire because you're invincible climb the fence because destroying property is bad, and walk past the tanks, don't worry about them.
That will surely delegitimise Israel. It's not like their snipers have been shooting people nowhere near the fence just for fun for literally years with this fucking lib not even caring is it?
Getting real tired of all these people living in comfy bubbles of wine and Netflix having opinions
And at the end of the peaceful march the hundreds of thousands of palestinians would vote
this poster is a child
Last time I saw someone say this in a Hexbear comment I went and checked, and the poster was in fact 16 years old.
This time I checked, the poster is an editor for Jacobin and a grown ass man.
social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism
Jacobin to the right of DSA lmao
Real cosmic justice would be the Mossad hunting this guy down for agreeing with the breaking down of the fence.
Liberals solution for the Palestinians they all claim to support is literally just "lay down and take it"
Gosh it's too bad that didn't happpen in 2018 or anything.
Pepsi moment
ok, then let's evacuate the palestinian people and then these liberals can be the ones to give this a shot. let's see how that works out for them.
Have a feeling that if they gave it a shot they would receive a shot and nobody would no who was giving what to whom.
Heck yeah, down with the fence
Okay, that was enough violence against property, better leave the barracks alone
You should walk to your death btw
These people have been brainwashed into thinking that gestures like these are actually how countries win their freedom and independence.
The Palestinians should have organized a flash mob dance and put it on Tik Tok
The fuck is it with liberals finding the aesthetic of oppression sexy? If you die without fighting your oppressors, you're a sexy hero. If you fight back and attempt to liberate yourself from your oppressors all of a sudden you're a hideous beast and suddenly it's your oppressors who need all the backup in the universe to protect them from your "unprovoked" attacks.
It's literally an ideology to disarm the oppressed and protect the function and integrity of oppressors (justifying mythos). These people want
type shit where they believe bringing a bunch of flowers to your own fucking funeral is somehow noble praxis. Surrendering yourself to the enemy is how we're supposed to win struggles... Well, why aren't they suggesting such shit for the Ukrainians? They conveniently support force only when it's the worst people imaginable perpetrating it.Liberalism and the justifying mythos they leverage must be destroyed. Force works. Fuck these people who try to keep the oppressed docile.
Timeline on another man's freedom. Hope this helps!
The guy is literally a contributor to F*dcobin and is calling anyone who disagrees with him a "western leftist." What a fucking dumbass