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  • Been plugging away at Armored Core 6. I'm kind of over it. It's been a fairly average experience and at this point I'd like to wrap up the story and move on to something with a little more meat.

  • I finally finished Baldur's Gate 3. Loved it. I immediately started again with a Ghost Recon team, where everyone is a rogue assassin/fighter battle master build so that you can get a ton of actions, create opportunities for advantage, and then get bonus sneak attack damage. It's working really well so far, and I've done more than half of the content in Act 1 with this team, though to be fair, of course the game will be easier when I know what's coming around the corner.

    I also started up System Shock, a game that sorely needed that remake and shows that the difference between what made it good back in the day and what would make it good now are basically just graphics, controls, and UI.

  • Finished Divinity: Original Sin 2. Beast became a god and everyone loved him. Some of the fights in the final act were kind of bad, and I wasn't a fan of the "twists" at the end. Still good overall, and I'm glad I finally beat it after over six years.

    Quake 2 got patched and the game-breaking bug I had got fixed (constant CTD in a specific room in a level), so I can finally play it again. I mopped up the rest of the levels for the second expansion, Ground Zero, which had a disappointing final boss. The levels also got a bit more confusing for me, but the remaster added a compass, which shows you where to go next, so it wasn't a big deal. Now only the new campaign, that was made for the remaster, is left, and I'll try to finish that this week.

    Now I'm debating whether to start Pathfinder: Kingmaker or go through the Pillars of Eternity expansions. I kinda want to play Pathfinder more, but I just put 150h into D:OS2, so going straight into another one of these massive RPGs might just lead to some burnout (I did want Divinity to be over by the end, but that was also because parts at the end weren't that fun for me). The White March expansions for Pillars 1 might just be different enough to serve as a pallet cleanser (even though it's still a CRPG).

  • Lego Jurassic World on the Switch. I bought a Switch for me and my kid for Christmas, and have picked up a few games for the two of us to take it in turns on. I haven't played a Lego game properly before, but this has hooked me.

    It's got a few downsides, like the rolling ball level looked like a cutscene at first, so I didn't even try to control it, and some levels are made for you to come back to later with a different character, so it feels like you're stuck when you're not sometimes.

    They're easy to overlook though because the gameplay is good, and it's got dinosaurs :D

    • Lego games with the kids are great fun. Lego Marvel Superheroes/Superheroes 2/Avengers are great if you want to keep exploring the Lego games. I have found that the older the Lego game, the harder it is. Some of the puzzle-solving in them can just be annoying and frustrating. I'd stick to the newer ones and work your way backwards rather than the other way around. They definitely learned from their mistakes!

      • I'll keep that in mind, thanks :)

        I haven't played a Lego game for years. I think the last one was either Star Wars or Batman, and didn't start off very well. I'll definitely be trying more now though :)

  • I'm still working through Phantom Liberty. It's so well done, a step up even from the original game.

    I'm quite sad that Cyberpunk 2077 is all done now, but I'm excited that they have started production on the sequel. Say what you will about CDPR and how they botched the launch of CP2077, they game as it stands now is fantastic and probably one of my favorite games of the last decade.

    On the side, I've been playing a fun little indy twin-stick shooter rogue-lite called "Shape Shifter: Formations". I tend to pick up a lot of these kinds of rogue-likes... they're generally dirt cheap so it doesn't take many hours of fun to feel like I got my money's worth. I'm 20 hours into this one so far... $6 well spent!

    • Among other things, it sounds like Cyberpunk had a lot of technical debt that they struggled to overcome, hence the move to Unreal engine going forward. With the lessons learned from the last one, they're surely on to bigger and better things with the sequel, maybe even the multiplayer they cut from 2077. I think Baldur's Gate 3 has shown how much hunger there is for a proper co-op mode in an RPG.

    • Just finished CP myself yesterday, with a 9 hour push through the "final day". I had previously in my run rejected the (possible) helpful offer at the end of Phantom Liberty to find my own solution to my problem and, after spending far too much time debating over a single dialog choice, I settled on one that lead to a satisfactory, if bitter-sweet, conclusion.

      The sense of finality was quite profound and pleasing. I have no wish to play my V anymore, as I think their story is done. While this means I may never revisit NC again (which makes me a little sad), I can live with that. I guess I can look forward to CP: Boston in 10 years :-).

  • Dragon Age: Origins and Fallout 76.

    The former is a masterpiece and the latter I'm having fun with but required a massive perspective shift and 3 play attempts to do so compared to previous Fallout games (even FO4).

  • I loved Wuppo, but the clearly Dutch names for all the creatures threw me off a little. Their names are sometimes a little bit too literal for my taste (for example, a blusser literally means extinguisher).
    Anyway, I've stopped my first play-through of Baldur's Gate 3 and started over as The Dark Urge. It has been... interesting :)
    Other than that, I've tried to get back into my play-through of Lost Judgment, but I've completely lost the plot.

  • Between Diablo sessions, I've been replaying Metro: Last Light (the original, not redux), and man, I am having a blast. I absolutely love that game. Out of the three Metro games, it's probably my favorite. Even choosing to be stealthy is a lot of fun. I've been playing with a silent revolver/Kalash/Ashot combo, and I can't wait to get my/Artyom's hands on the Kalash 2012.