the Bevy game engine: a cozy ECS that punches above its weight
the Bevy game engine: a cozy ECS that punches above its weight Bevy Engine
Bevy is a refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust. It is free and open-source forever!

Bevy is a fun, cozy game engine to play with if you’re looking for something very flexible that implements some surprisingly advanced features. things I like:
- it’s all rust, which is an advantage for me and the chemical burns I have from handling the dialect of C++ a lot of older game engines used to be written in
- it implements a flexible entity component system, which I found pretty great for specifying game and rendering logic for things like roguelikes and simulations, where multiple game systems might interact in dynamic ways
- the API is very cozy and feels like querying an extremely fast database at times
- it’s a lot lower level than something like Unity or Godot, but you get some pretty advanced rendering features included
- the main developer seems to have a lot of industry experience and a solid roadmap