Yes, border control can go through your phone. Here's what travelers should know.
Yes, border control can go through your phone. Here's what travelers should know.

Yes, border control can go through your phone. Here's what travelers should know.

Yes, border control can go through your phone. Here's what travelers should know.
Yes, border control can go through your phone. Here's what travelers should know.
I have found that guys can use their penis as a fingerprint. Reliability may vary given whatever state of arousal you're at, but good luck trying to get me to whip it out to unlock my phone.
Ladies, I'm not sure how practical this idea may be for you, but the same concept just might work for nipples as well.
Your device should be private to you, so if it takes locking it using your physical privates, well do whatever you gotta do.
Disclaimer: I've only done very limited testing on this, but it actually did work for me.
It actually does work. I still have mine set up from when I tested it. You can also use the fatty bulge on your pinky when you curl your finger.
I do need to be hard though. It would probably work had I set it up with a softy though.
Wtf is this conversation 🤣 Have at it though if it works.
Username doesn't check out.
Interesting, glad I'm not the only oddball to test such things.
Extrapolating on the results here, one could most likely use any area of their skin as if it were a fingerprint, even perhaps the tip of your nose or your earlobes or something.
Hey, what they don't know, they don't need to know. Your device and privacy should be yours and yours alone. Fuck'em
Nose works on my laptop fingerprint scanner, I don't see why it wouldn't work on a phone
Somehow I think whipping my cock out to unlock my phone will be frowned upon in most situations...
But not all situations.
Quite true, but of course I wouldn't expect anyone to do that in public.
That's like the entire idea, I'm pretty sure they can't legally force you to undress to unlock and inspect your phone.
My point is; the purpose of biometric unlock is convenience, especially since it doesn't disable pin/pass. If you can't use it in most situations, you may as well just use a pin/password. You gain absolutely nothing by setting up your penis to unlock your device...
With relation to border inspections: you get ordered to unlock devices for border security to inspect. If you refuse, you'll either be refused entry and turned away or you'll be detained until access is gained (willfully or through cracking tools). The US has demonstrated much more willingness to detain people at the border and hold them for months without charge, so I wouldn't push it. To be clear; your 'rights' against unlawful search and seizure do not apply at the border, even for US citizens.
Don't store anything you don't want border security to see on a device you're bringing through a border checkpoint. Store it on a remote server and retrieve it as necessary.
I hear you loud and clear, the right to privacy has gone to shit.
Meanwhile, you know how small MicroSD cards are right? You could store one of those in a hollowed out coin (which would dual function as something of a Faraday Cage) to carry your data, without carrying any active device.
I’m pretty sure an xray will go through a hollowed out coin showing the sd card and then you’re fucked.
Metal blocks X-rays. Some coins are thicker than others, MicroSD is pretty thin...
I guess it depends on the coin. Probably would work given the sdcard outline would be hard to notice if it even registers. Xray of coins
Interesting photo, even if it is just a stock image.
I happen to have an interesting coin collection, and I know what metals about half of them are made from.
Those dual ring metal coins are most interesting, like you could bore out a notch to hide a MicroSD, then pop it back in the outer ring...
They can force you to undress for a cavity search. What makes unlocking your phone such a special case that they'd think that was "too much"?
Simple, you just don't tell them.
They can try all 10 fingers and all 10 toes, but if they don't know what piece of skin unlocks the phone, what the hell are they gonna do?
what the hell are they gonna do?
Deny entry. They dont have to try anything.
You're right.
You can also store all your critical data on a MicroSD card and just not even carry an active device.
MicroSD is so tiny that it could be hidden inside a modded hollowed out coin...
Honestly, a USB drive in another bag would be fine. Encrypt it and leave an unencrypted partition with harmless data and you're good.
Thats a better strategy.
Or backup your device, factory reset, put the backup somewhere you can get it after traveling, keep only enough on it to keep family updated during the trip itself, restore after youre in.
Seize the device and crack it with tools like Cellebrite. Possibly with you in custody in the meantime.
Have you tried using someone else's penis to make sure? What if it can be opened by any penis? You should try at least 100 to make sure.
Does that 100 already factor in the different states of arousal?
It only works if you use the same exact spot on the pecker head, so it's basically as unique as a fingerprint.
For an additional gender neutral option, your butthole is almost as unique as your fingerprints, to the point that unless you have an identical twin it's reasonable to assume that no one else shares your specific butthole print.
Sorry, my butthole doesn't poke out far enough.
Could I use it for facial recognition though? 🤔