What TV cancellation are you most upset by?
What TV cancellation are you most upset by?
What TV cancellation are you most upset by?
Threshold really should have gotten more than one season. Unfortunately, I don't think anybody's ever heard of it.
Inside Job
Lazor Wulf. Two seasons, with a forced change in animation studios between seasons, didn't give the show enough opportunity to grow.
Tuca & Bertie and Firefly as well. Maybe Lower Decks too
My name is Earl, super disrespectful to end on a cliffhanger after 4 seasons
I'm still not over Firefly. Or the Orville.
The Orville hasn't been canceled, yet. S04 will enter production this year.
Thank you. It's been sitting lonely in my Jellyfin for a long time waiting to hear this.
Mind hunter, surprised i didn't see it mentioned
Yeah, so good! This was Netflix’s True Detective and they just…dropped it?
Especially since it wasn't a real cancellation, just "on indefinite hiatus" followed by "never coming back" almost five years later. The second season ending very much set up at least another season.
It was formally cancelled last year.
freaks and geeks. unbelievably stacked cast but the network never gave it a dedicated time so no one knew when they could watch it. then it got cancelled before they aired half the episodes citing poor viewership
Sort of counts, but KOTH.
Fox took it off the air FOUR episodes from the finale to "make room for The Cleveland Show" of all things, the worst offering from those Family Guy clones imho.
Luckily, Adult Swim was kind enough not only to pick up KOTH, but to air those last missing episodes as well, and I have it all torrented by now of course and it was easy to find, but still, fuck Fox for that one (amongst other things, but I want to punch the specific exec that decided to do that right in the eye just one good time.)
If streaming shows are fair game, Final Space. So much passion poured into such an excellent production and Netflix axed it after 3 seasons.
Last Man on Earth
4400 both version, pretender, x-files, clarice,
Pushing daisies was a hard pill to swallow. Such a great quirky show.
And, from that same era, Dead Like Me.
Both Brian Fuller shows
Better off ted.
Avenue 5.
Alien Nation.
My Name is Earl.
The Pretender. Mostly because they had just had a huge cliff hanger. And the made for TV movies never got aired in my country.
The OA
Darkwing Duck, it ends with the first episode of a two parter...
Better off ted.
Show was brilliant
I'd watch a spinoff of just those two scientists. They had such good chemistry together.
The answer is always firefly
Outer Range
I liked Danny Devito's Little Demon, but it only got one season. :(
This one hurts me too, but last time I checked, it's neither canceled nor is it green lit for a 2nd season. It seems to be in some weird Limbo.
Tuca and Bertie. Netflix cancelled it, then HBO made another season. But just before releasing it HBO cancelled it for a tax break. It's heartbreaking to think of the writers and animators pouring their lives into it just for nobody to ever see it.
I forgot which other network did the same thing, created a movie than cancelled for tax breaks, I think it was warner brothers?
Stargate Atlantis and universe, Star Trek enterprise, Les moonves destroyed the last good series. , nutrek just suck balls. The animated series attempts to cure that though, the live actions are so bad, STD, Picard and snw is not as good as it looks.
Atlantis and universe was under MGM so they had significant financial problems , been plaguing them for years, also the low viewership retired the whole franchise. The show runners allegedly said it's not possible for another series, due to "societal climate". There was going to be some serious reveals in season 3 for sgu.
2 shows Disney forced cancellation, gifted and AOS
AOS was fully under Disney and was canceled because of the lack of support due to infighting between Ike Perlmutter and Kevin Feige.
sad, they couldnt work out a deal. theres alot of shows like that with other studios.
Raised by Wolves was so freaking cool
I am so pissed about 1899.
Live action Tick.
which one? The Fox or Amazon version?
The Amazon one.
Teen Titans ended with a cliffhanger and then Cartoon Network put out Teen Titans Go! just to add insult to injury. Certainly the pettiest thing I've been angry about for nearly 20 years.
I thought the show ended with the movie and it wrapped things up?
Trouble in Tokyo? I guess it wrapped things up in the sense of it finished its own story, but didn't really resolve or conclude anything that was left hanging in the show.
To be fair to the creators, the comic version of TTG does fill in some blanks about Terra's cliffhanger in issue #51, which is basically super condensed version of what I would have expected to be included in the season that got pitched and turned down.
Ugly Americans.
Scavengers Reign and Raised by Wolves
Scavengers Reign was fantastic and its cancellation was a travesty.
Raised by Wolves was very good too but man... Scavengers Reign...
Santa Clarita Diet and Carnivale. HBO axed Carnivale, Deadwood and Rome back to back, and I still hold a grudge.
Edit: Enterprise and Lower Decks also still sting. Lower Decks is ao fucking brilliant and I hate that no one watches it!
Enterprise was ruined by Les moonves, he specifically hates the show. It's still far better than the 3 nutrek series( I called them post jj Abrams.
I LOVED Lower Decks. Enterprise was probably the weakest of the ST series.
My love for T'pol politely disagrees.
Terrible name for a fun show.
Yup, that is one of my favorite shows. So good. Donal logue and Michael raymond-james work so well together.
Kaos. That season 1 had me and my partner fucking hooked and they pulled the plug so fast it was hard to even finish it.
Oh damn, really? I thought I read season 2 was a go but that was a cursory google months ago. Fuckin Netflix.
I just double checked and yeah it's cancelled. Here's a quick article:
Since I haven't seen it mentioned yet and it deserves to be on these lists - Archive 81.
Such a great suspense show that was really starting to go somewhere by the end of the season.
I also liked the show. However your comment about " [it] was really starting to go somewhere by the end of the season" is a good example of why it didn't get another season.
Yeah, that sounds like I'm saying it found it's groove or something, I know.
What I was actually trying to say is that it stood on it's own as a psychological suspense show, but then by the end of the season they inserted several twists and turns that made it something more. It would have been fun to see what they could do with a season 2.
Final space
Im still debating on spending the $125 to get the book that finishes it.
The Expanse.
I don’t think The Expanse was really cancelled rather than it was ended at a story point that makes sense to continue from sometime in the future. There’s something like a decade long time skip and a huge thematic shift between books 6 and 7.
That last season was disappointing to me
I wonder how the person who's decision it was to cancel firefly feels about this now. Do you think they were under a lot of pressures because of funding, or they just weren't that into the show, or was there a new show they wanted to divert funding to. Wonder what the story was there.
The character art, design, and development still phenomenal compared to most even 10yr later.
A lot of them have been listed already, so I’ll throw in “The Riches”. Cancelled during the writers strike in Hollywood.
So many shows were ruined by the strike, even if it wasn't cancelled
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate Atlantis was cancelled, but at least they made it home. Those Stargate Universe people are in for a lifetime of torture.
The destiny crew have been frozen for 14 years lol already. At least ming NA made it into another show, at least for a while
Cool ideas/setting, and Giancarlo Esposito was involved. Low-key haven't moved on yet. I get it, maybe the writing could have been better, good ideas, but not so good execution.
Was this the one with the firefly Keychain being the key to electricity somewhere or something? Post apocalyptic network television?
I have no clue if this is anything close to accurate... for some reason this is just what popped into my head when I read your title.
The best show that I still can’t convince anyone to watch. Excellent pick.
Tbf it's a tough sell,
"I've seen The Patriot before, I don't need to watch it again except maybe the 'Aim small, miss small' scene"
"Oh it's a completely distinct entity with a close title? Oh ok, yeah sure I'll put it on the list."
Never watches half of the list even stuff I really do want to watch
ha, I forgot about this show - I remember it being well made
If they had pulled off the ending I think it would have been my favorite show of all time.
V (2009)
Ah fuck, don't remind me. Just when it was getting tense.
I stopped watching new / incomplete shows after that.
I'll never forgive Amazon for cancelling The Tick.
Deadwood. It was my favorite show ever. They made a movie a couple years ago to wrap things up but it's not the same
In order that I remember them now
Firefly would make the list, if I watched it while it aired. But I didn't see it till later.
I cancelled Netflix because they cancelled Sense8 and The OA.
Sense8 being cancelled was a crime
My so called life was amazing.
Limitless. It was just starting to get to the good shit when they cancelled it!
I was also upset by Star Gate Universe's cancellation. I hadn't been a fan of StarGate prior to its release. Seen a couple bits here and there but never just watched the show. After going through SG-1 and Atlantis, I can see why OG fans didn't like Universe. But I still think it was great on its own, as someone who knew nothing about the OG series when I saw it. But, if they do re-explore the same story and ideas, I'd want it to be the same campy shit that SG-1 was, instead of the serious tones Universe had.
Any day now we are getting the next Stargate. Any day now!
~ fans ten years ago
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I would have loved to see how they planned to resolve that cliffhanger.
Recently? The Peripheral, and Kaos.
Kaos was so much fun, needed another 3-4 seasons.
Raised by wolves. Atheism vs Religion into the stars. It was so good and so much of the buildup was about to come to fruition. GAH!
Needs a petition
ReBoot. One of the most incredible, ground-breaking shows of its time, but it ends on a cliffhanger. I'm still holding out hope that we'll get a movie to tie up the loose ends someday.
"I've always wanted to do that."
I’m a little teapot…
Prepare to taste the blade of my.... butterknife?!
Firefly and Pushing Daisies are staples in these conversations, so I'll throw in a less common one: NCIS LA.
I watched that show for over a decade. It was something predictable and comfortable. The show ending was like losing my favourite hoodie I've had for 14 years. Does it really impact my life? No. Do I miss it nonetheless? Yes.
I stopped sometime during season 3 or 4, can’t remember. Without spoiling anything if I decide to pick it up again: do we know what G stands for? Don’t tell me, just nod or something.
Yes, we do eventually find out what G stands for.