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Are there any apps for recording police interactions?

imagine an app that is sort of like a panic button. You get pulled over, you open the app and hit the button which then (depending on your preferences), starts recording/streaming video and audio, locks the phone, and maybe starts recording accelerometer/gps data, etc.

It would need to be thoroughly developed/tested before actually it could be ethically recommended.

What do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? unfeasible? Already existing?

  • You could build such an app to serve the same purpose for robberies, road rage, etc and have it host the incident data to a personal cloud.

  • That is so dystopian, holy shit... I mean, if you see it as something people would want/need, then yeah, that sounds good. I don't know if such a thing exists, though. This link shares some things, features, and apps that maybe do some of what you're talking about.

    • That is so dystopian, holy shit…

      Hey you, you're finally awake.

      • IDK man, over here I don't think police interactions are as violent as they are in the US...

  • Is it illegal to film police where you are? If it's not illegal then just use your camera app. You can probably configure it so that you can open the camera app from the lockscreen without a password, but then of course make sure you can't e.g. access anything from your gallery from the camera app. I have always just used my camera app to film police. There also used to be "secret recording" apps for Android at least, but I believe modern Android security doesn't allow for that kind of app behaviour anymore.