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  • Pretty much all of African mythology. Sometimes it gets mentioned tangentially or included in a half-assed way, and even then it's almost always misrepresented. Anansi was my favorite character in American Gods, in part because I see so little African mythology, but also just because he's badass.

  • If by poor representation you mean misrepresentation then Islam hands down. If you meant lack of representation then I'd say zoroastrianism and celtic paganism. There are plenty others I'd love to see but I picked what I did because we know enough about them with enough certainty on details that we could accurately represent them if we tried. I'd also love to see Bedouin paganism and Mayan mythology accurately represented in popular media but this is much more difficult to accomplish.

  • Greco-Roman and Norse mythology are represented a lot, but in a very shitty manner with barely any research, let alone respect.

    • Yeah it's funny that those were called out as exceptions because as far as ancient Greek mythology goes, Disney's Hercules (one of the most widely known takes) basically made Hades = Satan and Zeus = God. I've also seen Hades get treated as Satan lite in DC Comics adaptations, basically unashamedly rewriting another mythology to base it around christianity. Meanwhile, from what I've seen, Hades was actually one of the few semi decent gods.

  • Christianity is virtually always represented by those who either don't understand it, or are deliberately slandering it.

    • They're deliberately talking shit about it because they understand it, and its history. It's not slander if it's true.

      • If your understanding of Christianity is based upon how well mainstream Christianity understands it, then you don't actually understand it, only the warped form that it takes after thousands of years of infighting and political manoeuvring. For example, did you know that at one point it was actually taboo to depict Christ (or Mary) as a human?