Richtig und wichtig
Antifa Tarifvertrag.
Englisch hier. Trying to Deutschlernen. I've been trying to translate things without looking it up.
I guess this translates to something along the lines of "Me and the homies on our way to block the next Nazi demonstration"?
I'm assuming 'Zuhausys' is a German equivalent of 'the homies' considering it contains the word "Haus".
translating homies with zuhausis is an ich_iel specific meme and you wont hear it elsewhere.
It's "Zangendeutsch" (pincers german) it a humoristic figure of extrem litteral translations of anglizisms to the point of nonsensical outcomes.
Yeah I'd picked up the fact this community seems to have it's own little pseudo language. Not sure I'd be using zuhausys in casual language anyway, thankfully😂
Appreciate the explanation, though ❤️
It's common online slang to translate english words into (nonsense) german translation. "Zuhausys" doesn't exist as a offical word, but it is the direct translation of "homies" (Home + is/ Zuhause + is).
irl the kids would actually use "homies" over Zuhausys
(edit: haven't seen the other explanation comments before answering, sorry 🤡)
Any explanation gives context and it all works to help me build my understanding. Danke 🙏
You got everything right. Congrats!
That's one hell of a username to pronounce in German, too 😂 but thank you ❤️ I'm glad I can at least comfortably read much more German than I used to!
I'm still not used to hearing it in casual conversation, but I get some practise in this year - I'm travelling to Berlin in June! 🥰
I'm assuming 'Zuhausys' is a German equivalent of 'the homies' considering it contains the word "Haus".
Correct, it is derived from the English homie and mainly found in Internet communities that use a lot of "Zangendeutsch". Irl people would look at you funny if you used it.
In spoken slang people often use "Kollegen" (colleagues) or "Kumpels" (buddies) to describe a group of friends.
Achja stimmt, ist ja heute wieder..