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Europe will need thousands more tanks and troops to mount a credible military defence without the US

A credible European deterrent – one that could prevent, for instance, a rapid Russian incursion in the Baltics – would need a minimum of 1,400 tanks, 2,000 infantry fighting vehicles, and 700 artillery pieces. This is more combat power than currently exists in the combined French, German, Italian, and British land forces.

  • What Russia has proven with Ukraine is that they are a paper tiger. They've spent so long trying to build this image that they are second only to the US in military might, but then they began scraping their barrels to deploy troops to Ukraine. I think the EU could eradicate the Russian government with just the troops we have today, and then some.

    However, where Russia's strength lies is their control and manipulation of information. Russian agents all over are funding and supporting political parties that destabilize the country they're in, removing them from the fight before they begin. Their greatest victory in that is the US. We see there exactly what Russia wants for the EU. That's where we need to up our defenses.

    • We don't attack Russia because Putler is a tiny bitch that would choose to destroy the world over losing.

  • Oh no! The russians are coming! Oh no! And this time it's fo real, I swear bro they're actually coming this time bro trust me, I'm telling you bro they're coming for real and we gotta put all of our money in the militaries bro, I swear bro remain scared bro, the russians are coming bro

    • I agree the Russian's have no interest in fighting the EU. It's just crazy how the EU elites are behaving. It's all a strawman. Even the American's realize this, the EU has nothing whatsoever that Russia needs.

      • Well, we do have something of a global presence still. And also money and manpower, that any good capitalist pig like Putin realizes he must have. I'm just disgusted by this fucking fearmongering. The best thing you can do as an insignificant worker for the lords with all the money is to start fearing whatever it is that you are told to fear, and remain in that fear forever. That keeps you obedient. And when the population on both sides are fearful enough the lords with all the money will agree to a war, so that the cycle of war and fear and exploitation of the working class will continue again, and the command over the lives of the working class will never be in the hands of the working class people. And the lords with all the money will remain to be the lords with all the money. And nothing will ever change.

  • Hopefully i die before the next stupid completely useless world war humans want to have, in their pea sized brains.