Prismbeings - Absolute Territory
Prismbeings - Absolute Territory
Prismbeings - Absolute Territory

(I know a lot of demos posted already actually deserve that disclaimer, but this one feel even more-so, tbh. But damn, cool aesthetics.)
Absolute Territory by Prismbeings Zettai Ryōiki—絶対領域 Filesize: ca. 4093 bytes Release party: Revision 2017 Initial concept originated after Assembly 2016. Actual work started Two weeks before deadline. Dedicated to the talent and memory of Mika Vainio, who passed away on Wednesday 12.04.2017. The following tools were used: 4klang 3.1.1 by Alcatraz Crinkler 2.0 by Loonies and TBC Shader Minifier by LLB Code, visuals and music by: Klaus Strobo of Prismbeings Lots of love to msqrt for sub- jecting himself to my novice questions and issues. SALUTATIONS to adapt alcatraz aspekt calodox collapse conspiracy dead roman drift ekspert faemiyah fit hackers ivory logicoma mercury oo paraguay peisik quadtrip still supadupa tda traction trbl 0x4015