Git, invented in 2005. Programmers on 2004:
Git, invented in 2005. Programmers on 2004:
Git, invented in 2005. Programmers on 2004:
The first version control system I ever used was CVS and it was first released in 1986 so it was already old and well established when I first came to use it.
Anyone in these past forty years not using a version control system to keep track of their source code have only themselves to blame.
CVS was, for the longest time, the only player in the FLOSS world. It was bad, but so were commercial offerings, and it was better than RCS.
It's been completely supplanted by SVN, specifically written to be CVS but not broken, which is about exactly as old as git. If you find yourself using git lfs, you might want to have a look at SVN.
Somewhat ironically RCS is still maintained, last patch a mere 19 months ago to this... CVS repo. Dammit I did say "completely supplanted" already didn't I. Didn't consider the sheer pig-headedness of the openbsd devs.
Pretty sure GTA V use(d) SVN or something like that. I remember reading the source code and being surprised that they didn't use GIT.
Game developers often use Perforce instead of Git. Maybe it was that?
You definitely need something else than git for large assets, yes, its storage layer is just not built for that and they way art pipelines generally work you don't get merge conflicts anyway because there's no sane way to merge things so artists take care to not have multiple people work on the same thing at the same time, so a lock+server model is natural. Also, a way to nuke old revisions to keep the size of everything under control.
That's very possible.
"We've always done things this way, we ain't changing!" - some folks in the Foss community, like those RCS maintainers
We still use RCS at work. For config files for our network monitoring. Works fine still.
which is about exactly as old as git.
Wdym by that?
Both git and svn started around the same time, in or about 2004.
Svn: 20 October 2000
Git: 7 April 2005
I remember using svn when git development was started
And Claude, off course.
Before that, it was RCS, released in '82.
Or gnu arch
Luckily I'm young enough that I never had to use RCS.
My first one was Visual Source Safe.
I will never go back to it for any amount of money.
You know, CVS wasn't really that bad, just primitive and outdated.