Progen & Desire - Twinhead
Progen & Desire - Twinhead
Progen & Desire - Twinhead
Twinhead by Progen & Desire A demo for BBC Master 128 + 6502 second processor (aka Master Turbo) Released at Revision 2021 Coding: Progen Graphics: Luther Music: mAZE Compatibility note : Twinhead has been confirmed to work with both the Acorn internal (4 MHz) and external (3 MHz) 6502 coprocessors. It was mainly designed for the 4 MHz copro, but will run on the 3 MHz version, albeit at a slightly lower frame rate. Compatibility has not been confirmed with any other 6502 coprocessors. We advise against running Twinhead under BeebEm due to poor audio emulation.