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  • Why no houses? I'm sure I could find a house that they could sign over that day if I paid the whole million in cash. It'd be a shithole anyway, if it's only a million bucks.

    I guess I could buy a million dollars worth of shares in something that will likely go up by a few cents if not a few dollars the next day, so I could immediately sell the shares and would have more than 1 million.

  • Go to all the dealerships in my town and buy up as much inventory as possible. You can purchase the cars that day and pay cash in full but you won't receive them for a while. While you wait you have a few days to weeks to coordinate with as many groups as possible to "give" those cars to families in need assuming they can cover the cost of insurance for that vehicle.

  • Well, being is that I already have all of the equipment set up, I could just pay off my house and all of my debts with the remaining, I don't know, $600,000 just buy jewelry and cars that I can then resell in the future or something if need be.